Monday, 31 December 2007
Okey..Iam Josh, from the land of the Kangaroo...that's Australia for all those who couldn't connect.Anyway, I am 18..and I love surfing(in water). I stay in Sydney..Sneha hates me for that(lol!)Yeah..I love reading blogs and this is my first attempt at anything literary..phew! I guess I've talked a lot about myself, mate!
So...Sneha, I don't understand her..sometimes she's this mature, understanding, caring adult..and the next minute she's a kid, she lives in her own world! Yeah..she's a 'Flicka'. She always listens to her heart.. She can write a bit..and this blog of her's rocks big time! And yeah..her addiction to Brett Lee is much more than my addiction to surfing! I guess he can be proud of having a fan like her..Ok..she does not deserve such elevation.
About 2007 now, what do I say..the Aussies rocked as usual...winning the Cricket World Cup and all...Team India won the T20(so what?) South Africa beat in the World Rugby Finals(Yippee! they beat England)..By the way Ian Thorpe, this web missy's idol for a long time, retired from swimming! Boy, wasn't she pissed when it was alleged that he took drugs..
And now coming to football, our lassie's team Arsenal, is right now sitting pretty on top of the EPL table. She was quite pissed when Henry left Arsenal and went to Barca! She called him a traitor and all Brazil won the Copa America, that too without Kaka and Ronaldinho..
Tennis the usual was Fedex and Henin all the way.. And I guess I've talked all that I possibly can about sports..
Blood Diamond was arguably the best motion picture of the year 2007..and Leonardo DiCaprio...outdid himself..seriously...The Departed was alright too..but Blood Diamond deserved the Oscar! I thought Little Miss Sunshine was definately worth a watch(Oh! yeah..Sneha has'nt seen it). The Last King of Scotland, Dreamgirls, were ok. And this year...thanx to all my Indian friends in Sydney, I watched my first Hindi movie, Om Shanti Om. It was seriously an experience of a kind! There was soo much song and dance. I thought the actress looked hot!
And I guess that's enough of me polluting this lovely blog of her's. I am gonna be so dead when she reads this post. Iam sure she'll delete it immediately. I hope she likes the new! Okey and
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a nice year..............
Saturday, 29 December 2007
So my blog contained cricket, Brett Lee, movies, my college..and yeah! loads of other things. It was good to see India win something(finally!)..this year..and it was good to know that Brett Lee now, has 250 test wickets now! Yeah, I guess that's all for my anniversery post..I ' ll have to go study now..yeah..PRE-BOARDS....
(there's a little surprise for u ppl in mah next post!!!!!)
Saturday, 15 December 2007

The other day I was watching the KFC sponsored T20 match between the Aussies and the was funny to see the Aussie Jerseys stamped right across the middle with the KFC logo! The mighty Aussies without realising it had themselves marked 'CHICKEN'. There were several unusual things in the was one match to be remembered by all.
Especially , Luke Pomersbach...who came to enjoy the game when the Aussie selectors called him and asked him to come to the dressing room. So, off he ran from the grass hill to the Aussie dressing room! What a debut! I mean.........seriously...
It happens only in Australia!
So it got me thinking..I dont know if it's the KFC factor or what..I was just comparing each Aussie cricketer to a KFC chicken....So, here's my list
1)Ricky Ponting-he's the KFC Original Recipe...Colonel's secret recipe..
2)Adam Gilchrist-Extra Crispy, and LOUD!
3)Mathew Hayden-Chicken in a bucket....nothing can beat this size!(sry man!)
4)Andrew Symonds-Pot pie..
5)Micheal Clarke-Chicken Popcorn
I have not really thought about the other names...but ofcourse there's Brett Lee and he definetly is..
Chicken strips....yummy....
So,instead of having the player's nicknames on their Jerseys..KFC should have made them wear the names from the KFC menu!!!!!!!!

or are these the real chicken?????
Monday, 10 December 2007
So, there are a few examples of the pearls, we get to hear in class
'Look at here' (it means-look at me!)
'Unemployment persons' (Unemployed people!)
'I saw you in Jubilee Hills with my wife,I was there with her to buy vegetables!'(Christ!)
'Government is setupping..a new project!' (Aww come on...)
'Husband died is Dead!'
And the winner is.........
'The word 'Associations' has how many 'vovules'?(it's not ovules...its simply, vowels!)
'Maths is a world of don't wear the same shirt everyday...'
I am not saying that my English is flawless or anything...but there is a certain level of it to be spoken, after all my College proudly declares itself to be:
(English Medium)
If you have a funny accent, its excusable....but errors like,'India is hasing a many population', I mean come on. Get a life people!
So...I guess you have an idea about how much people suffer in my 'English Medium' Khalege!!!!
Sunday, 9 December 2007
One of the most irritating things about of my College is the Dress code for the girls!
'Girls are advised to wear Salwar Kameez'
-Prospectus, LFJC...
Why? Why only the girls? The prospectus only advises us to wear Salwar Kameez, but the teachers enforce it like a rule. It's sick! India is supposedly a Democratic country. The Constitution garantees Indian citizens the right to express themselves. And the dress code directly violates this right of the girl students..
The thing is....our great new Principle...about whom most of my readers know..inflicted more pain on our shoulders...quite literally, now Girls have to pin their 'Chunnis' to their shoulders! Lol...I mean find me a girl who is ready to do that!
The thing that irritates me the most is the fact that the guys can wear anything they like. Not fair! This is First grade discrimination! So you get guys wearing shredded Jeans, torn Ts, low waist pants...sab kuch chalega for the guys...
Their explanation for the dress code..Girls will not be subjected to harassment. I mean come on..find me a girl in Lfjc who does not have a secret admirer..The whole arrangement sucks!
If a girl gets harassed, it's not because of the's more because of her attitude. Some girls deny this...they want the dress code for their protection....Please such girls should realise this very important fact. You can wear a low waisted Jeans and still be considered 'decent'! And one more will not be in LFJC for the rest of your life!
So, I am anyway coming to the end of my term in Little Flower Central Jail...I could not change the system....I hope one of my juniors or their juniors can finally bring justice to the girls in this College!!!!!!!
The other thing which I am really becoming painfully aware of these days is the mundane existance of Telugu soaps..never in my whole life did I know of the thriving Telugu Soap industry.Each soap is more punishing that the other! I hate the 8:30 to 9:30 pm slot( Well, I have to sit through it's dinner time and Grandpa believes in 'eating together'!( can you eat together ....when the TV's on?).
So everyday..I am subjected to atleast 15 min of horrible family sagas. Well, the length depends on how fast I am able to down dinner!
The storyline is pathetic..ok, I guess they can make them more believable! Take this guy for instance, he was stabbed atleast 10 times...10 times, and he still musters up the strength to walk..yes , walk to the nearest Multispeciality Hospital. And the same hospital manages to patch him up....aww come on! This is not all..this same guy is put in a mental institution..and is subjected to shock treatment..and he still manages to stay alive..and he manages to escape from the institution. I mean...people, you cannot rewrite Science Books!
This is more crappy than having to see the Great RAJNI KANTH 'flying' in Chadramukhi! See..super heroes all the way!
I guess as long as people like my Grandparents keep watching...... plenty of such utter crap will be telecast on the telly. The number of episodes keeps increasing day by day. These people beat Ekta Kapoor at being absurd! I guess she could learn a few lessons on 'Macho men' here! Lol!
So..Cya guys later............
Thursday, 6 December 2007
You may not believe this... but take a look at the events that have taken place over the past few weeks..
I plan to watch a footie game..this game is telecast in Starsports, it is usually after midnight..till 10pm the TV has Starsports, when I switch it on at 1am to watch the match...BAM! No Starsports..instead we have ESPN. Crap..
Last year when I used to wake up at 5am to watch Lee bowl...the channel which was there in the TV...used to be replaced by another channel.
I have missed watching several movies...'cause Starmovies used to disappear the minute I wanted to watch a movie.
No amount of calling, scolding, can change that guy. Nothing.
He'll just say,' Your inconvenience is deeply regretted.' and according to the Indian Contract Act, after that statement you cannot do anything.
It's really tough to watch a footie match on the internet. The streams hardly connect, and you end up downloading some complicated software..and you end up getting frustrated. Refreshing the page every now and then gets really bugging..
The worst part is you cannot see your stars...
So , these are all the questions related to Cable operaters...
Friday, 16 November 2007
What was I just bickering about? Well, right now Iam in such a stupor, that I cannot realise half the things that are happenning around me.Right I am sitting in my house in Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra Pradesh, a southern state in the Asian country of India. India also happens to be the country with the world's second largest population, 1028.737 millions...second only to China.
Or if I want to go to a place ,say Banglore(Bengaluru.That'swhat it is now, isn't it?), I have to go to our neighbouring state of Karnataka, which incidentally happens to be the homeland of many an illustrious cricketers like, Dravid, Kumble. That city..also happens to be the place where the finiest Law School, of India is located. Yeah...National Law School (NLS).
Now, I know what made me become like this today. Well, I think I face a problem of Diminishing Mental Utiliy. I am talking Economics here, well, to tell you the truth I am talking absolute BULLCRAP!!!!!! Yeah, such were the events of today. I have learnt a few things today:
1. When you look in the mirror constantly, you will relaise that as soon as a minute passes, you think that you're becoming, more uglier...well here the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility applies.
2.It's not laughing..but lauffing!
3.The best way to bunk the class.....definitly , there can only be one, BRIBE THE WATCHMAN.
Ok I guess that's all for now!
Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Yesterday was just another day in hell(yup, me talking about Little Flower Junior College). The hours were crawling past, when all of a sudden, in the fourth period we had a free! Finally...and guess who was the substitute? It was none less than the Cobra queen herself. Well, she was a venomous Math teacher, whom we had to bear with last year. So here she was again, back with a vengence..
The great last benchers of our class(i.e; my two best friends in College..Sarah and Sam, a.k.a. Samriddhi and I), were bored to hell. Sarah completely forgot about the John Grisham she was reading...The atmosphere was soooooo uninspiring..
That was when I had a sudden revelation. I was all,"Hey let's play penfight!", well after that the rest of the class passed seemed to have passed away in a jiffy!
Now, what is penfight?
It is the perfect anecdote to boring, laconic, free hours! Or maybe it is the only 'sport' girls can indulge in Colleges like ours. Yeah..the only other 'sport' for girls is Throwball..well, I have never really considered it a sport. I mean....
Ok, now back to penfight...
Its origins are so deeply rooted in the Indian educational system, that it is impossible to trace the exact date or time or place. The son of a British officer, studying in India during the Raj could have been the founder of this sport. It is also highly probable that an Indian Babu could have been the inceptor. Or even a cool dude of our generation could have come up with it!
It is the perfect 'timepass' in educational institutions. Yeah, all that it requires is a flat surface...hmm..this is the most constructive use...that I have made of the loooooong benches in LFJC. And of course each player must have a pen. This is mandatory. Number of players can range from 2 to how many ever the bench can seat. The last remaining person to remain after all the pens have been knocked out, is the winner! heart aches when I think of the days spent in Vidyaranya playing this in classes..well, there we used to play other SPORTS too. I remember this once when Malashree teacher asked to us to write an essay on penfight! Well, that was a punishment. None of us really got around to doing it, anyway.
So, yesterday when Sarah and I were playing mind wandered onto all this..and out came pouring this post. I wish I could divulge the secret techniques of this game..but sorry, secrets are secrets..and will continue to remain so...........
Okey , Sarah and I decided to play penfight me gotta go and practice. So take care!
And yes, I hope you like my new layout..
Monday, 12 November 2007
1.Blood Diamond
2.Mission Impossible-2
3.Jerry Maguire
5.A Walk to Remember
7.Sound of Music
9.Catch Me If You Can
10.Lord of the Rings-The Fellowship of the Ring
My top ten favorite Hindi Movies
1.Dil Chahta Hai
2.Rang De Basanti
3.Chak De India
9.Don(Amitabh Bachchan)
10.Dil to Pagal Hain
Five English Movies I hate the most
1.The Breed
2.War of the Worlds
3.Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
4.House of wax
5.Snakes on the Plane
Five Hindi Movies I hate the most
1.Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham
Well, these are the movies I hate and dislike....I just wanted to put them up..I am feeling too lazy to type..So..I guess that's it..CYAA
Thursday, 8 November 2007
हैप्पी बिर्थ्दय ब्रेट..........

Today's the eighth of November, my idol/crush/favorite cricketer's 31st birthday! So...Happy Birthday Binga! May the speedometer never tire! May the motor keep on running! May the wickets never stop falling..I can go on. Well, I thought this would be the perfect day to tell you people my 'Story'...yes, this is kinda interesting....
It was Third Day of the Boxing Day Test in the year, 1999. Since it was India Vs Australia, and India would be batting(GO! DRAVID!). I decided to wake up and watch the third day from the start.The previous night, I went to sleep with happy dreams of meeting Steve and Rahul..
Third day of the Boxing Day Test: I woke miraculously at 4 am..dragged myself into Daddy's room..that was were the TV was. Dad was up already and he was watching Harsha Bhogle voice his opinion about some 'new young pacer..who was going to make his bowling debut that day' Well.. as I did not watch the previous two days properly, I was unaware of this new Pacer who was rumored, 'to be faster than Shoaib Akhtar'......I didnt care(silly me!)...Well, I simply assumed the new guy would be:
1.Abnormally Tall (6.4feet+...a.k.a McGrath, Fleming)
2.Brown Hair(McGrath style)
3.average looking(Big mistake!!!!!!)
As it was chilly, and I was still full of last night's dinner..I fell asleep on my beanie..covered in my pink Blanket. I woke up at 7:30am...India was batting ,finally! Dad looked soooooo excited! He was really jumping! He was talking about some bloke... who's 'CAPPING CEREMONY', I had missed, on Boxing Day(SO?)...Dad is a huge fyaan of Dennis Lillee, Jeff Thomson and the he was excited that a bowler of such pace was gonna be making his Test Debut! Newsflash: Dad is a big fan of Shoaib's too. I guess he's addicted to pace.
I hoped and prayed that Dravid would get a 100 that day..
I napped again...then, this time I was woken by Dad shaking me awake..He was like," Brett Lee's gonna be bowling in a while..", and I was like,"LEE?"...'does he look Chinese?'..Dad gave me a u-r-not-even-remotely-funny look. I fell silent...
After the commercial break...the match resumed..The camera now focussed on the 'NEW PACER'! I was flabbergasted! I didn't noe what to say! My asumptions, (1,2&3)..were reduced to ashes!
'Cause, here was a Greek God, with blond hair, lovely brown eyes..and an army cut,he was looking good enough to eat! That picture is till fresh in my mind....There he was..the most handsome guy I had seen in my 9yr old life!
I was still recovering from the shock when....Sadagopan Ramesh drags a Brett Lee delivery to the stumps! that was the fourth bal he'd ever bowled in international leve Test cricket! Dad does a little jig! Then Lee went on to take Dravid's wicket in the course of the match....The Pacer also managed to get a five-for on debut...which remained his best figures until the Adelaide test versus the Windies in 2006.Yup..5-47(His debut figures)..maan he rocked that day..
Yet,I finally admitted to liking him , only in Febraury...till then my opinion about him was kept strictly to myself..though ,I guess Dad would have guessed it on that day! After that, I used to wake up early/study late into the night/wake up at odd hours , see him bowl! Mum and Dad used to keep an eye on the matches..and call me when he came onto bowl! Yes...frequent injuries, batsmen hitting him all over the park...became all too common over the last 7-8 yrs..And yes.. how can I forget the Knock-your-punch celebration? or the Brett Lee dance?
or the frequent searches of Sportstars for Lee's pictures.
the most insane thing I ever did:
This is really true...I kept I diary, and noted down the names of all the Umpires..who've denied him LBWs which he deserves/chided him. Well, sadly the list cannot be reproduced here...
Yes, these things became a part of my life...and yes, they will remain as long as he plays..many the Insanity never end!
I was very lucky to have met him...and to have had the pleasure of talking to him...So, Brett keep rocking! Luv yaa.

The Brett Lee Dance

Friday night calls for some nice TV, or movie viewing. And this was my lucky Friday. My Law class got over fast and I came back home by 7pm. So I picked up the Newspaper and checked out what movie was playing in which channel. "The Breed", sounded quite interesting, and so I decided to make it the movie of my night!
I am not really into movie reviews and that sort of a thing, but I did reviews of a few movies in the past..not on my blog though, the Devil Wears Prada thingy was more like expressing my thoughts..kinda stuff. I review movies only if they happen to catch my attention in a particular way...or just simply dissapoint me.
Now, this Friday I happened to watch "The Breed".
Take an island. Build a house on it. Add some scantily clad American teenagers, and throw in some genetically mutated dogs...well, that's "The Breed", for you.
If you want to watch it...Do it At you OWN RISK..
Thursday, 1 November 2007
The Final Will And Testament of Sneha Lee
All the pictures of Brett Lee, which I happen to possess ,in any form, will be equally shared among Sanjana Revankar and Susan Joseph. If any pictures of AB De Villiers are found in my possession, then they should be immediately transferred to one Mr.Dhaval Jonathan.
Now the PC, I have at home, shall be donated to Little Flower Junior College, Uppal, they can realise what sort of Computers should be provided in Junior Colleges.
My mp3 player must be given to Sarah Joseph, with all the songs in it.
All my Music CDs are to be shared equally among Sarah Joseph, Monica Bhargava, and Prasanna Mandaleeka.
All the poems, stories, songs are to be given to Antara Sethia.
All my novels , story books, must be equally shared between Kameshwari.K, Vidhya, and Sarah Joseph.
My prized Harry Potter collection must be given to Kameshwari.
Now, for my most prized possession, my Nokia N73, well, this should go to Susan Joseph...cause nothing that I ever give her will repay my debt to her.
My blog will be given to Antara Sethia...the password and the login id will be mailed to her after my passing away.
And the last thing, my music books shud be given to my Grandmother.
The signatures of the cricketers I possess, should be given to Sanjana Revankar.
Lastly, I wish to be buried in the town of my hero Brett Lee, ie; Sydney..if that's not possible I wish to be buried or burnt in a calm and quite cemetery in Hyderabad.
This Will is Signed ,sealed and Posted.

What the hell is wrong with the Indian selecters? I have chosen to remain silent on this issue. This post would not have come up...if not for the efforts of my friend Josh. I am confused about Josh...he claims to be an Aussie, but speaks like an American, well wateva , not my problem...
Now that I've broken my vow of silence, here goes:
So what's the selectors problem? What's that they are saying..What? ROTATIONPOLICY..NOw, this term would have been appropriate, for maybe a team like Australia. Yes, it would have been , if your bench is strong. Let's look at the Indian bench..ahem...let's leave it at that...
How can a team which is in the process of building itself , adopt such a policy, half the team is not sure of their place in the final-11, and people are talking about a Rotation Policy! I wonder whose head is rotating? Okey. this Policy is good. I agree, but what sort of a person would introduce it in a series against Pakistan..
How can any Selection Panel drop RAHUL DRAVID? RAHUL DRAVID...THE MAN...THE WALL. Tha one person who comes to India's rescue when all hopes are faded..The one person who sticks to his principles....The only Indian cricketer with a character, as strong as his technique!
I never thought giving up captaincy, would mean losing a place in the side.Now here are some important lessons for Dhoni..I was shocked to see Rahul Dravid dropped from the Indian squad...Normally when I scan the list I expect to see the big three in there..but I guess this time though,it's not possible! What bugs me the most, is the fact that Dravid, has to prove his fitness, in a four day Ranji game?
These days Dravid's form seems to be on the wane. He is not as fluent as he was before..
Maybe his form will return to him. Cricketers like him are always just one knock away from striking Gold! But, in the past few series, dravid has not made any significant contribution with the bat. He was very dissappointing in the Future Cup.
I think the selectors have done a bad job, but I guess they will realise their mistakes now....
All the best Rahul..for the Ranji match, Hope to see you in Injdia colours as soon as possible!
And also..
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
I get up at about five in the morning..well, its actually 4:30. Then I pick up any of the thousand books Iam supposed to be reading...anyway, make an attempt to books are pretty interesting..Obviously,the Indian Penal Code was designed to , keep the readers hooked wasn't it? The Constitution of our great nation sometimes goes over my head! But does not put me to sleep.
So, I slog till its 7am..
Then take an hour to get ready for college, eat Breakfast(grrr... I hate this part!), then run out of the house...( I usually come running back for either my College Diary, or my lunch..or wateva, but the list is long). I walk for 5min , lo! and Behold! I find myself in the VIdyanagar Busstop. As usual, the beggar women tells me that my husband will be a nut! I mean..logically, I barely have enough Financial resources to go to COllege and come back , and ppl are asking me for Charity! Hmmm..........
Five minutes after that, Maya comes panting, to the Bustop! Then we exchange songs via Bluetooth! She is one of my major sources of mobile music!
The our bus turns up! We get in and reach College.
Now, that's another freakplace, run by a freak. Welcome to the great 'Little Flower Junior COllege', headed by Rev.Brother Franky Noronha! Well, I now most sane people are bound to wonder, what sort of a name is Franky? Don't ask me! We usually see him standing beside the gate in his flowing white gown, oh! well watever that 'thing' is called! And is ususally barking his head out at a pair of terrified students/Lecturers/Peons, etc. In our great college,the Lecturers have lost their ability to think and reason out things! For every minor thing..."Go ask Brother!"
So I slowly make my way to my classroom..the place reminds me of a cold's soo dark!
Dungeons and Dragons:Part-1
When the bell comes our first dragon of the day!
with a look that stings...'Look here', is all she can say..
I wish I had wings....So I can fly to a place far far away.......
Parts2,3,4,5,6&7..follow the same pattern with different Dragons! Sometimes the white bat drops say hi! I remember this once when we were in the room called the 'LIBRARY', he walks in and all the lights and fans go Kaput! I mean this is true...when he left the fans came back on!
sometimes I wish I had I can fly to a place far far away...
Thus, we have 7 classes, and 7 different cartoons who teach us 7 subjects a day.But, for me I get to leave the hole 45min before the official I can go to Law, this place seriously rocks!
After Lawclass, I reach home by 8:30pm. then I try to study again, but usually end up falling asleep. This is what happens to me in one single day! PHEW!
I have no weekends, no time to catch up with time to watch movies, and no time to do anything! The last movie I watched was 'Chak De India', Sad isn;t it?
Maybe its worth it! I mean to get into a Law School, all this effort is needed! So, I guess movies , and masthi can wait another 7 months!
Now, I can figure out who's my BOSS, It's still me...I have made a choice..and IAm making an effort to reach the place of my dreams, and i guess there'z nothing wrong in that!
This year I have realised dreams do come true..and I will make mine come true...................
Friday, 26 October 2007
Bickerings of the 70's has beens

Well, the title of this post has definitely been inspired by the show Hugh Grant was supposed to do in the movie,'Music and Lyrics'.However ,I am not talking about the music industry here.I am talking about the more complicated business, yes business, of cricket, that's what it is these days, ain't it? People are just looking for more ways to make millions.
I feel ashamed to be even talking about it. Two of the greatest players, the game has ever seen, are now quarreling like a pair of kindergarten brats! This is abominable! Even sillier is the reason for the quarrel- a small fight in a Melbourne bar, almost 30 years ago! Phew! 30 years!
Here's the story:
One March evening in 1977, shortly after Australia had won the Centenary Test at the nearby MCG, the 21-year-old Ian Botham, then on a winter scholarship at the University of Melbourne, apparently overheard Ian Chappell, 12 years his senior, taking the pee out of the Poms. Not being one to turn so much as half a cheek, the fiercely patriotic Botham may or may not have threatened Chappell with something glassy, then punched him to the floor.
According to one of Botham’s accounts, this sent Chappell “flying over a table into a group of Aussie Rules footballers, whose drinks were scattered to all parts (Needless to say, he replaced those drinks pretty quickly!)” After a parting shot from the former Australia captain, Botham tore after him into the car park and vaulted a bonnet or two, before belatedly realising there might be more productive ways of expending energy.
Chappell’s recollection, on the other hand, is that the “punch” was a “push” and that the brawl had started a few days earlier. By the time he arrived at the “MCG” (the bar), he related in Ashley Mallett’s 2005 biography of his erstwhile Test skipper, Hitting Out, Botham “had obviously had a few beers and he was having a lot to say in a very loud voice.
He made a couple of comments. I can’t remember exactly what they were saying but [he] said something about an Australian player and I said: ‘Yeah, you’re a typical county player. You’re the sort of player who thinks that if an Australian hasn’t been to England and played county cricket he can’t play. You think the only guy who can play in the Australian side is Greg Chappell because he played two years for Somerset.’ And he responded, ‘That’s right.’ Whereupon things “degenerated” and Botham eventually threatened to “cut” Chappell “from ear to ear”. Botham vehemently denies he used a bottle to illustrate his point.
In Dudley Doust’s 1980 biography, Ian Botham – The Great All-Rounder, the Sunday Times sportswriter stated that his subject’s pursuit of Chappell ended when he “lost his prey in the traffic”. Come 1994’s blockbusting Botham – My Autobiography (Don’t Tell Kath), it was a passing police car that foreshortened the chase. Amazing how the memory improves with time...Insane ain't it?
For his part, Chappell insists he was not pursued into the car park but the main road, that the Victoria fast bowler Ian Callen grabbed Botham from behind and suggested the Somerset tyro calm down, and that he, Chappell, then withdrew. Whatever the truth, Chappell appears to have held the firmer grudge.
Now that's sad , because thirty years have passed since the whole brawl thing, and these don't even talk to each other well. Chappell publicly declared that knighting Botham was a mistake which the queen would regret. Is that the sort of example they should be setting? Is that what they teach the next generation of cricketers?
Here's an exerpt from a channel 9 interview, of the two Ians, the bad blood between them was obvious. This was a decade after the whole bar thingy!
Recalled Chappell: “At the end of it, I’ll never forget, Ray [Martin] said to Botham, ‘Oh well, you’ll still have a drink at the end of a day’s play.’
“And Botham said, ‘Yeah, that’s cricket, mate. You sit down and have a beer, or wine.’
“Ray turned to me and said, ‘You’ll be having a drink with him after the commentary is over?’
“I said, ‘No, Ray. I can find plenty of decent people to have a drink with. I won’t be drinking with him.”
Well, that's how bad the story is...Sad, isn'it?
Well, i guess that's it from me now..............
Monday, 22 October 2007
1.When you say nothing at all-Ronan Keating
2.Way back into love-Hugh Grant& Haley Bennett
3.I lay my love on you-Westlife
4.I will be right here waiting for you-Richard Marx
5.You're still the one for me-Shania Twain
Haven't you noticed something? They all are about love. that makes me wonder...What is love?
Oxford dictionary says:
A feeling of constant regard for and dedication to someone(Phew!)
Brett Lee, whose opinion is highly valued in my blog, feels:
Love is, when you look into a person's eyes and feel like spending the rest your like with that person.(how romantic!)
There are a thousand ways of describing love. Everyone from Shakespeare to Keats to JK Rowling to our own Chetan Bhagat have all described love in their own ways. There have been zillions of poems and plays and stories on love. Oh! my God! how can I forget Bollywood films? Love is the central theme of 99% of the films made in Bollywood, Tollywood,& Kollywood.
But , what really is love?
Is it the root cause of the fall of many kings? the reason for the fighting of bloody battles? or Is it what drives many teenagers to commit suicide?
Open the paper in the morning..What do u see?
Youth commits suicide because of 'failure' in love....
Girl is stabbed for refusing the boy's advances.......
Younger daughter of a prominent filmstar runs away and marries sweetheart.....
I could go on typing like this, but never ever figure out what is love.And the world celebrates Valetines Day. What happens on that day? Shivsena goes around creating havoc, and the greeting card companies have a blast! And millions of people.....spend billions of rupees.
The definition of love is not limited.You can love your parents, your dog..So I guess its a beautiful feeling, in which our world is enveloped.
So, after much's what I think love is....
Love is magic. It is when you trust a person. It is the magical force that keeps the world in place.
Here's a wonderful poem about love ...written by my friend Johny:
Love Is Beautiful
Everyone falls in love sometime or the other
When a person shares everything with another
They develop their friendship slowly into love
They get so close and they feel like the dove
Unable to explain their love in a few words
Completing it with a kiss they look like love birds
Sometimes Love doesn't last long and it breaks
That is when our heart in pain and it aches
This doesn't mean that love is only full of pain
Tears is what it gives and there is no gain
Waiting for your love and winning her back
Is the only way and that is what we lack
Fight back the pain of love and win her again
Show her your love and shower it like rain
After that you will know that love is Wonderful
Here it ends and I know that Love is Beautiful.
It's beauty isnt it? Well love is..........
Cya later
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Dreams do come true.........................................
Now, let me introduce you to Susan. She happens to be my classmate Sarah's sister. More importantly she adores Brett Lee. We were conspiring to get match tickets, but all our devious plans failed miserably.
Finally...two days before the match..I return home from Law class.While I was eating, Suz calls up and tells me that her dad knows someone who works in Taj Krishna...well, that's the hotel where the teams were staying.
I scream in delight! YES! Finally I might just get to see or, maybe even meet Brett.
Next day suz's dad takes us to the hotel....he asks us to wait in the lobby and goes in to meet 'Susan Aunty'.
Ok. We wait....our eager eyes scanning the lobby for any trace of the ‘Aussies’, well… more importantly any of the cricketers. We were tooo excited to even speak to eachother. Then Suz lets out a gasp...I look that side to see Stuart Clark , just two steps infront of us. Well, paradise didn’t last long…precisely at that point of time..a stupid security guard comes up to us and asks us to leave the lobby, cuz ‘the Indian team’s coming’.
Stuey puts his kit there and leaves. We had a tough time explaining to the Guard that Suz’s dad was inside. Well, the gorilla just assumed we were a bunch of autograph hunters who managed to sneak in!Exactly at that time Suz’s dad and that aunty come in. PHEW!
Then that aunty tells another security guard(let’s call him the sweet uncle) to look after us. We had to do what he said. Ok. No problems. Suz’s dad leaves.
Suddenly, sweet uncle looks into the reastaurent, and says’ Hey look that’s Matthew Hayden there, Why don’t you go talk to him?’
And…yes! He was there, in the reastaurent. Sitting majestically. So we walk slowly.
I muster up enough courage to walk upto him and ask him for his autograph, which he politely gives. So then, we chat around, for sometime. Well, he takes some time to pronounce my name.
Then we walk back to the lobby. We show sweet uncle the autograph. He was as delighted as we were. We sat and waited for more of the aussies to turn up.
While we were waiting, this tall, somewhat cute looking Aussie bloke was wandering around the lobby, he was talking loudly . We didn’t care.
This time it was my turn to let out a gasp! Michael Clarke and this Indian guy were walking towards us. Suz and I get up and almost run to Clarke. And do you guys know what he said
How mean! I never thought Clarke was a Snob! Hmph!
We go back to the place where we were supposed to be sitting and sweet uncle was all’ So?’ We tell him what happened and he says: Where else? STUPID Fellow!
We burst out laughing. Ok…we pull ourselves together. Then we see Gilly, Hogg, Bracken all walk into the restaurent…but now.. since the Indian team’s gonna be here any minute the restaurent’s a part of the restricted area. We were not allowed to get up.
We also see BINGA! We wave at him and he smiles back. Wow!!!!!! Then Mitch, Stuey, snob….I mean Clarke…they all go into the restaurent.
We couldn’t quite figure what was happening.And sweet uncle was not around. So Suz pushed me to ask the tall Ausssie bloke. Baah…
Here’s our conversation:
Me: Hey, are the Aussies gonna leave for practice after they have lunch? At what time is that gonna be?
Bloke: Why? U wanna go with them?
Me: I wouldn’t really mind!
( I turn to Suz and say…….f%^&***^~)
Bloke(expression completely changed): Well, what’s happening is, the Aussies will leave when the Indians come.
Me: Thanx.
Bloke: Okey.
Suz and I were still cursing that bloke, when Suz goes-“ STEVE BUCKNOR!!!!!!"
We walk upto him and take his autograph. He says” Enjoy your day”
Then the Indians arrive, ok. Big deal. The Bloke says,” Look your Indians” , I was like : We’ve come to see the Aussies. He looked shocked!
There was a huge security cordon. They just walk off. Zaheer Khan looked like he was looking at us...but then, we figured out he was looking at a skimpily dressed girl standing in front of us! ( I wonder ,where's Esha Shravani?)
After the Indians go to their rooms, the Aussies leave for practice….We shook and hands with them as they left. We were the only two kids in the lobby. And finally it was our turn to meet Brett.
I walk upto him and say," Could you please sign here?" He's all," Sure, Honey".Then I said," Iam a great fan of yours, I love the way you bowl,U sing damn good, and preston is really adorable", all in breath. He took some time to comprehend what said.
He could actually pronounce my name.Well, it was ,’Sneehaa’, but still.
Suz was like ,”She shares her birthday with Liz”, And My OH! MY , How he blushed.He didnt say anything... I could have popped then and there! I was soo psyched out! He was really happy when we told him we could both sing .He seemed to be shocked when I told him I wanted to become a Criminal Lawyer..and also a sports writer.He said,"Never give up on your dreams, and don't take anything in life for granted" We wished him all the best for the next day…,and he ran for his bus, ok not run…but he did walk fast.
We were their bus left. We thanked Aunty, and left the hotel…feeling like we had just won a billion dollars!
Next day, Binga took 3 wickets, this best in this tour.
Then even as India lost….I was secretly very happy…………………………………………………………………..
(P.S. That evening,the evening before the big game, when I went to watch them practice …..I accidently figured out that the tall bloke was none other than……well, NEIL MAXWELL, Brett’s agent, PHEW! Me and my big big mouth)
I did my exams really well, that's why my post could not come up faster.
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Aaj ke Shyam..Team Indya ke Naam.....
6 runs.... 4 balls...Misbah-ul-Haq on strike....Joginder Sharma was the bowler....the fans were going berserk...the tension was palpable....Misbah attempted a shot, one which he will regret the whole of his life....Sreesanth took a catch which will he will cherish for a long time to come..India in an emphatic way have won the T20 final! Yes...this really hapenned! We are the Champions!!!!
No one believed they would'll be knocked out in the first can an Indian team without SACHIN win anything? Were the seniors cowards to sit out the tournament? What does Dhoni know about captaincy? What can a team do without a coach? Such questions were often heard before the tournament...
Team India Answered all these and more...beating the pretournament favourites South Africa..Australia on its way to the finals. They looked tired and weary when they landed in South Africa, after the long and successful tour and England....winning this cup was the icing on the cake!
A young team with a young captain...full of youthful legs..after a shaky start, capitalised on their strenghts to win with conviction! Well I guess, something went into their heads after that bowl-out against Pakistan..ok, we did lose the game NZ game..but still...they looked ever so confident!
Maybe I am not right...many people believe Yuvraj's Six Sixes, were the turning point.Those sinewy shots paved the way for an Indian victory. Yuvi avenged his miserable 5 sixes! He is a star to reckon with. In the game against the Aussies..he picked up where he left in the England game. Yuvi looked unstoppable throughout this tournament. Against the Aussies it was bang! Crash! all the way..
Catches win matches....I am not sure if this Indian team is really the one which played in England. Well, the fielding wasn't certainly the same! Keep up the good work Robin...thanks for listenin to me. In all the matches the Indian fielding was simply..SUPERB!
Rudra Pratap Singh is easily my player of the T20 WC. He maintained his composure and took important wickets all the crucial junctures..Sreesanth was erratic at times, for the amazing catch he took..all is forgiven and forgotten! Other bowlers like the Pathans(hmmmm.....), Bhajjis.. were good. I must not forget to say a biiig THANK YOU to Joginder Sharma..for producing a gem of a last delivery!
Last but definately, not the least, one man must be applauded for his slendid efforts..MAHENDRA SINGH DHONI was fabulous as the Indian Captain..what decisions he play Yusuf Pathan and not Karthik in the final...choosing Joginder Sharma over the more experienced Bhajji! This man certainly has nerves made of TATA Steel.He deserves to win..he believed in the team and got rewards.
I jumped out of my seat after the last catch was taken...My throat is hoarse from all the screaming. I hugged everyone near me..The thing is ..I got more calls and smses on my Nokia now.. than on my birhday.People were going bonkers on the streets. The madness will slowly die down. Then the magnitude of this epic win will slowly sink in..both for the players, and the fans. But right now ,the whole of India is singing the praise of this Team's exploits.
The whole tournament was a hit! Everything worked out splendidly..well, I guess this will go a long way in wiping out the dissapointments of the ODI WC of March.
Two teams with nothing to choose between them entered the final...the one with better nerves, won! Chak De!
Many the parties never stop...may the Champagne keep flowing..may India keep winning.....All THE BEST TEAM INDIA!!!!!!!!
But here's my conclusion:
WE ARE WAITING...................
Sunday, 23 September 2007

Okey ppl....I finally realised...yes, that being 17, isn't much different from being...let's say...1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,or even 16! Things do not change..there's no change..the days are the are the nights. I still get out of the house at 8am and reach home by 8pm. Franky still barks!
The last 17 yrs...I've tried to be everything..the well mannared girl,the arrogant, the moody and pestered, the socially handicapped, even now...I sill don't have a clue of what Iam. After trying to be all of the above..I can proudly say..well, I atleast have a vague idea of the big bad world outside.. that's a big help! Cause the world keeps changing. A person who you thought was your friend till yesterday, can still stab you on your back.Well, I have personal experience..lolzzzzzz. Anyway...such people are rampant in our big bad world! So..beware!
Well, I guess there's nothing more to say in this post...I mean..hmmmmmm I,
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Everyone analyses themselves in their own I basically doing a tete-e-tete(that's head to head),much like the ones I read in Metro Plus, most mornings. This one's gonna be a little intresting...
Meet seven(ahem...that's myself at 7)....and 17(that's gonna be me in another hour or so)...16(me...right now)! 16 is gonna be the one asking the queries.
SO, here goes..............
16: Hey people..
17: Hi wassup?
7: Hi's life?
17:Iam yet to find out...
7: Good..I get to swim howmuch ever I want...yay!
17:Swim? Huh!
7: Yes..what's wrong?
17:Nothing..keep swimming..
7:Why...why can't I?
17:Ok, relax
7: What's wrong in doing what I like? Atleast Iam not scared to admit that...I like to compete, and win!
7: I know your jealous...I know you want to just jump into the pool...and race away..and leave everything behind........
17:Yeah...Yeah...keep talking...
7: Your jealous of me...just admit it...
17: Okey , maybe
16: Guys...chill...let's change the topic to....say..books?
7: I love Famous Five
17: Famous Five? Are you sure? Gosh!...John Grisham..,Harry Potter..LOTR,Eragorn,...yeah..these are books...
7: Hey, my friends say Iam George!
17:Why, is it cause you can eat twice as much as guys your age?
7: No, because ...I can swim faster than most guys my age.....
17: Really?
7: Wanna find out?
16:People stop it!
17: Oops I got carried away...
7: too.....
16: Ok, noe let's say...clothes..
17: Gimme a pair of Jeans and a T-shirt...I won't bother you...
7: too....
16: Wow! You guys agreed on something, finally....good!
16: Movies?
17: You can see my list on Orkut.........any Tom Cruise movie.....
7: What's orkut?...I like Baby's day out, dunston checks in, Lion king
7: I hate them! They are soo irritating!
17: Well...I don't mind cute looking ones, or the intelligent ones....I hate jerks, who ditch their girlfriends...Damn!
16: Sports?
7: Swimming....SWIMMING....and Cricket!
17:Cricket and swimming and footie....
16: Fave sportsperson?
17: Do u have to ask? It's obviously Brett Lee............then follow, Thorpe, Klachkova,Hackett,and other swimmers, miss you guys....Kaka, Rahul Dravid, Yuvi, Henin,and so many more...
7:Who's Brett Lee? Is he a swimmer?
Mine are Thorpe, Hackett, Kitajima, Klatchkova,Hill,well these are the swimmers...then..I love Rahul Dravid..kool u like him too..and Steve Waugh!
17: Jerk! Brett Lee is an Aussie fast bowler!
7: Oh! I didnt know that.Is he good?
17: He's the fastest bowler alive!
7: Does he take wickets?
17: He does! and that too with style!
7: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Wow! I wish I was 17!
17: Not a chance!
16:Final question....What do you wanna become after you grow up?
7:An Olympic swimmer, and also a good person......
17:A Criminal Lawyer....and a Journalist, and a proper singer!
7: Omigosh! Ammamma is still teaching you music?
17: No...I am going to her friend.!
7: Is she nice?
17:She's good!
16:Okey guys..thanx for your time....It was nice catching up with myself!
17: It was.....
7:Have fun!
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
A letter to my friend...........................
Okey soo here goes..........
Dear Darshini,
How are you? I am fine. Are you still that cute little bubbly thing I met in Prime last year??
OKAY! see pal, I can't write letters..I always used to get only 7/10 in ICSE....
I've moved on...I wrote Sheela Reddy's entrance exam...and got through. I actually got the second rank! I still can't believe that...So I have class everyday from 4pm to 7pm. Phew! It is hectic....but I like her classes..My college sux, and my music rocks!
So....I guess that's all for now. Hope to hear from you!
Sneha Lee
Friday, 14 September 2007
A Hattrick and a heartache...........
Earlier that day, was a match btwn India and New Zealand. I don't wanna talk about the Indian defeat. After a start like that,I thought that they would race away to 190,naaaaa that didnt happen! Same mistakes..every single time.Grr........
Here's my conclusion:
Darshini....thanks for reading my posts.....I really miss Prime.
We were supposed to write about our life for an english, I wrote absolute rubbish! I mean,what sort of an essay is that?? our life?? I am hardly 17..and my life??????
Coming back to the topic.......I managed to stay awake to watch the last match of the day........SA were nothing short of BRILLIANT! The match was entertaining. KP has a knack for theatricals..I guess The Globe, not Newlands suits him better>>>> oops sorry KP...... U ROCK!
Thursday, 13 September 2007
T20 rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bang! Bang! Crash! It's got everything! The first two days of this tournaments have produced it all........cheerleaders,huge crowds,loud music,tough finishes, nail biters and ofcourse, everyone's favorite..The Giant Killers! Yeah..I like this thing! This format will go a long way in spreading the game to countries like the USA.
Coming back to this tournament..
Boy! oh! boy! Wasn't fun to watch the mighty Aussies crumble to 'Ashes' *Chuckles*, after being humbled by the minnows ,Zimbabwe. Well, it wasn't that great to see Brett's comeback being spoiled, but he wasn't that great too. That is, if you do not go by Ajay Jadeja's views. He thinks a bowler who gives 10 runs per over in T20 , has bowled good. Well in that case, Brett was good yesterday, infact he even took Mazakadza's wicket!
Ponting you are damn right! You need to show this format of the game a lot more respect! Becoz...u see Punter, 'Player of the year', SIZE DOES NOT MATTER. To prove this ,why look at T20? Just look at your 'Self'. Anyway Aussies you could do with a much better performance in your next match against England on friday!
The opening match between SA and WI was one hell of an encounter.It was the perfect example of a T20 match. Gayle was simply amazing. What shots! What sixes! Gibbs wasn't perturbed by all this as he safely guided SA home. SA seemed to have made record chases a habit! tch tch ask Ponting!
Pakistan were given a scare by the Scots...but came through. NZ won comfyly......
Well, TeamIndia have their first match today. They face the resurgent Scots. Last night we've all seen what complacency can do (thanks for the word, MR.Chappell).
So...........................India ,pull up your socks, get rid of those buttery fingers, and............
Sunday, 9 September 2007
The same old rubbish............................
They played like a team of ameteurs yesterday! Hasn't Dravid realised that his team has been winning matches , these days, when they chased??? I mean, duh??Actually, not Dravid the whole team is to be blamed.
It was a beautiful day at Lord's. The sun was shining, and the Indian wickets were falling like a pack of cards.....1-26,2-52,3-53,4-59, doesn't a team with so much experience realise , partnerships are invaluable in such matches???
Anyway what had to happen ,happened.
I have noticed in this tour, that the quality of umpiring was..........I cannot find words to describe it...or maybe I can ,wait!it was abysmal!!!! Well, it was worse. Even 3-time ICC award winning Aussie Umpire Simon Taufel, was rookish. And, by the vway...I still cannot figure out what's come over Alee Dar these days? These wrong decisions had come at all the crucial junctures for India..It's gonna take me a while to forget LBW given to Sachin in one of these matches.....the ball looked on it's way to miss ,even the 6th stump!LOL!!
Umpires,what's happenin??????????

Now,coming to the spectacle that's gonna unfold in two more days....Yes, Iam talking to you about the T20(for those who don't know that's the trendy way of saying 20-20)World Cup in South Africa. The biggest news for me is the BRETT LEE is back!!!!!!
He's in the aussie squad.YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
India is gonna be lead by none other than,'Dhan dhanadhan Dhoni' Viru is gonna be back. I hope he silences all his critics!! Irfan's in, so is his big bro Yusuf. It's a young team, it better deliver.
People watch the cute video I found on Youtube. It rocks!!!!!!!!!! Chak De! I hope it helps to erase all the bad memories of Team India's third class, or even chillar , fielding throughout the tour of "The old Blighty"!!!!!!
Friday, 7 September 2007
Cricket, life,and more........

I love this picture,this team. I want to see them do the same thing after the Natwest final tomorrow. This brings back memories of that wonderful chase at Lord's in 2002. That was one hell of a final. We won! then, we can do it now!

Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Condescending talks...commiserating looks...sorrowfilled faces have all become a part of my life within less than a fortnight.
Death is has its own weird ways...its own characteristics, sometimes those which we can never really understand. It is ghastly , it has its own crazy smell, trust me , it does. I really think death leaves its smell, when it touches a person. Yes, now most of my readers will think Iam mad, but no , I am not...I seriously think I can associate death with a smell. Well, Death to me smells of burnt coal.....(maybe it's just my mother's death taking its toll on me).
Well, my life is slowly coming back to normal. Several of my 'freinds', have come to commiserate with me. Genuine or not, those 'talks' did help. Iam going back to College. It feels good to be back among my mates, who I care about...and who care about me.
My grandparents, aunts, uncles , cousins, and all my friends who've been with me...and will continue to remain on my side, THANK YOU.
P.S:Readers please pray for my mum..............
Friday, 15 June 2007
Looking back....looking ahead.........
Well, I guess in a space of two months a lot can happen. I can happily announce that this summer vacation was the worst I ever had! I realised .......well, I was made to...again by a group of my 'friends'....that the world is not as rosy as it seems.People are not what they seem to be when you first meet them!
I kinda realised this...and moved on in life!
Well life is fine( for now!)..its just that right now I have a sprained ankle. Resting at home is nice! Saw Blood Diamond, Eragorn, Covanent, Pirates3( this one at the theater) home, on the compu. Nursing an ankle is one of the most boring things a person can do!
Brett is finally gonna come back in sept, and .........................the best part is he is gonna come to Hyderabad in October!( Well that is if he recovers..., for now let's hope for the best).
Well, I just hope I do well in studies this year!
For all you noe, next year I may write my blogs from inside a Law School!( now again we have to hope for the best!)
I guess that's it for now!
Sunday, 20 May 2007
The movie deals with, the fortunes of a young graduate, Andy Sachs....who gets a job as Miranda Priestly(Runway magazine's editor)'s second assistant. Now, this coveted job happens to be the one,"which a million girls would kill for" Andy is continously reminded. Miranda takes her because she is 'fat', and among other things boasts of a 'work ethic'.
This movie shows us the million dollar fashion industry from the inside, away from all the glamour and glitz. Millions are spent in shooting and re-shooting phtographs, which show semi-clad women/men exhibhiting 'designer wear'! I mean who needs this stuff? We are fine wearing our every day clothes, aren't we? Well, atleast Iam.
And...coming to those models...those perfect examples of Anorexia, with severe eating and sleeping disorders...I always wonder how can they go on managing their sizes? You see , one fine day,4 becomes the new 6, and 6 becomes the new 40! How can you lose 2 inches in one Goddamn day??????? I guess going on new diets is a way of life.....hmmm...sad, coz they can never ever get the exquisite expierience of eating to their heart's content....
And , those ridiculous clothes! Who would be willing to shell out $1000, for let's say..a string bikini?Duh!!! (Ok, maybe one Ms.Paris wouldn't mind).
Then the models...amazing really think so? What is life , if you can't do justice to your boyfriend? No wonder most of them end up having close to 50 relationships in their disease stricken life...
Demanding schedules, even more demanding bosses, and....yes, when the money flows in all this lays forgotten. Most models say they are not in it for the money...they call themselves 'media of exhibiting creations'. Oh! come on...we 've had had enough of the bull shit!
So I wouldnt want to become a runway save my life! Kudos to all the girls who have managed to be in the reckoning!
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Oops! I did it again..

Well, this was just a catalyst, I had been thinking about getting out of orkut , from a along time. I found it boring. Yes, at first you are all excited at how your mates can 'scrap' you. Then you suddenly realise that you have to keep refreshing the damn page to read every scrap or even to reply.
I did make a few good friends, love you Sanjana, Kavika, Lola, I promise to keep in touch. I got to read a few poems. I got good reviews for my not-so-deserving poems. I the worst part is....I had 112 friends and I was a part of 140-odd communities. I don't even know why I had joined them. I mean, why do people make random communities like hotdog, i-love-something communities?
And ,yes, maybe there should be a community for people who join Orkut to just read other people's profiles.
Anyway, what happened , just happened. If there comes a time when I want to go back to Orkut, I have a zillion friends, who can give me the 'precious Orkut invitation'.
And yes , non-Orkuters(well, I do not think there are any who have not got the taste of Orkut, if there are any, well, I guess monuments are to be erected in your honour ,guys!!!), there is nothing that you are missing by not being in Orkut. You are just not contributing to the save-my-girlfriend fund of Mr.Orkut.
This is another infuriating fact...he makes money every time you open an account, every time you visit someone's profile, everytime you add someone,or someone adds you, or even everytime you log out!
Ok, I have to leave now! bubye!!
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
The underdogs ruled, didn't they?

Wednesday, 25 April 2007
Its Bingo, these days not Binga!!!
I was just tired of waiting for Binga to resume doing what he is best at. I hope he gives up on those futile attempts to record an album in Hindi. I mean instead of wasting two weeks in India

, he could have worked on his rehabilitation , or spent some time with his young family. No, he decides to fly all way down to, or rather up to India, and try his luck at BOLLYWOOD.
I am not the only who's caught the Bingo! bug...most of my mates at Prime are suffering from the 'Bingo!-Syndrome'.So much so that when I gave my Rs.5 choclate treat for passing my exams, Ipsita was quick to point out that Bingo! would have been a better treat! There hardly passes a day without Vatsal imitating the 'Vango-Pongo-Bingo!' advertisements.
The advertisements are also quite pleasing, only to idiots like me...not to intellectuals like..let's say Varshita?*Chuckles* Anyway, my particular favorite is the Jango-Jango-Bingo!.
The others are pretty good too.
But, people do you know what the best part is?
None of my Bingo! crazy friends(including me)..have actually tasted Bingo! So, I am waiting for my mom's return from the Super market so I can ask her for Bingo!. But I have a feeling that I am going to dissapointed this time round too.....
Now I am very dissappointed to note that the Aussies have won their Third consecutive WC title! Binga, get well soon, otherwise there will be no vacancy in the team! And Iam not joking.
My mom's come....and you noe what? no Bingo!
My sad life is becoming sadder by the day.....
Neway I have to go pray that Sambhav Kundalia passes his Chemistry exam, so he won't write the Law school entrances with me next summer! Cause if he writes this year, he is sure to get through! So, Go! Sambhav!
Monday, 23 April 2007
YaY! I got through!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I guess like most things, I will know it as time passes.
The World Cup, is turning out to be really boring. The Aussie jauggernaut is rolling steadily(not fair! Lee where the hell are you maan?). Not even New Zealand could stop them. Well , finals are next saturday, and we'll see what will happen. Farewell Brian, you have given us lots of entertainment for a very long time!
Alvida man! Kudos! I will surely miss you.
Man! Oh! Man! A suspect in the Woolmer murder case...I wonder who it is.
I wish that Mr.Charismatic(Mark Shields), could tell us faster. He is rumoured to be a very regular goer to the pub in Pegasus. Given his lifestyle, where bindaas seems to be the buzzword...., I wonder what will happen?
Anyway I have to go now, I have to listen to a session on torts.
So bubye!
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
But sometimes in the middle of the night I would just wake up nights were filled with dreams wherein , my marks memo contained,'The Big F'. I would wake up screaming. I don't know what really happened to me this year. I am still wondering if high school has the same insane effect on people...................
I mean, ofcourse there are people in class, whose 'rattofying power' remains the same , from class 10. There exist people who wake up at 4am , to 'practice' trigonometry!(90% actually end up learning it by heart. coz the same sums come in the board papers).
On June the 2nd 2006, when I first went onto LF.....I was brimming with confidence. Cause, my life till then was a dream. Maybe I needed this year to bring me back to the earth! The new friends were some of the best I ever had. Well, somewhere down the line ,my life went awry.
My results will be out tomorrow, if I somehow scrape through all my subjects.....My next blog will be my happiest eva!
P.S.-people keep signing the petition to save hockey!
Saturday, 14 April 2007
Save our sport!
The history of Indian hockey is fabulous. 7 Olympic golds! The greatest ever hockey player to walk the face of the earth was from India. Ask, let’s say, your grandad about one Mr.Dhyanchand, Iam sure the praising bandwagoon will be hard to stop!
Such was the great history of hockey in India. Please help in reviving our National Game….A truly noble history…Look at the condition of the game now!
What is happening? If the debacle at the 2004 Olympics is anything to go by..well, the Hockey in India is on a mighty downward slide.
So , my friend has come up with an amazing idea!We have made a petition to the President of India to look into the affairs of the game..Yes! a petition.Please sign it, if you want to make a difference!
You can sign it @:
Please do it! For our sport’s sake! It does not deserve the injustice which is being meted out to it!
Adieuss for now!
P.S.: Next blog may be written by my new cat, ‘Oz’. Iam not sure when he will time for this, but yes, negotiations are well and truly on. So:
Hold your breath,
I wont give up!
Sunday, 8 April 2007
What happens if.............
1. What happens if Team India wins the Cricket World Cup?
I would never ever have believed , it actually happened. Maybe as the finishing runs are taken,or the last wicket tumbles a nation full of cricket crazy fans will, celebrate to their heart's content. The Govt. of India will give acres of plots to the cricketers..And last..but not the least my friend's business proposition of making effigees of the players , will itself be burnt to the ground. And most important of all, we will get to see a lot of Dravid-Ganeshas, Sourav-Ganeshas, and the like!!!!!!!!
2.How do you make sure Federer loses some finals?
As they say , behind everyman there is a woman. Fedex himself sayz he cannot play good if his 'gal' isn't watching! Idea! Ban his girlfriend to all his matches!(Especially Slam Finals).
Where is a man without his animal? Ask Federer to play all his matches with his cow , Julie tethered to his ankle.Well, we need some equality in sport, don't we?(chuckles)
If these rules are implemented it's good news to one Mr.Roddick.
3.Forget, Brett Lee...let's say Shane Warne decides to star in a Hollywod flick......
Name of the movie will be........
Rating-A(With a warning , for strong sexual content)
4.Lalu becomes PM of India:
The following amends will take place in the Indian Constitution:
1. A ban on all transport , exept trains.
2. He will grant maximum funds to IIMs.
3.All parents-in-Law of MPs, can travel tol free , reservation free in any class , in any train in any part of our country.
5.Ok, if George Bush was an Indian, his name would have been:
George Bushekar.(A Mumbaikar)
Sardar Georgesh Bushawar Singh.(Punjabi)
Vengala George Bushweshwara Rao(Typical Telugu...ain't it?)
And I always leave the best for the last:
Gogeshwar Rao Kapoor!
6. If my boyfriend hits me:
I would take out my pocket knife and ...........................
(Inspired by 'Provoked').
7. The bowler I am terrified of
James Franklin......LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ps.Non-LFJCians note
Brother James- exprinci of LFJC
Brother Franky-Current princi(cum caretaker ) of LFJC.
8.How do you get Hayden out for a duck?
Simple , ask the Wicket -Keeper of the fielding side to tie up Mr.Hayden's laces together, and wham ! There falls the mighty Hayden for a mighty 'Duck'. The Stumps would have been smashed to pieces!
Warning: The match might also be interrupted , due to a minor earthquake!
(Sorry Haydos! Love you man!)
9.Lastly , I have finally gotten what might be the answer to cricket's gr8test mystery. This solution might actually work! With due respects to the work of Mr.Shields and his officers, and also the Black suits of Scotland yard.....
Get a telepath, ask him\her to communicate with Mr.Woolmer's spirit..and bam! you have the answer to the most terrifying murder , or whatever it was, of the cricketing history!
Please pay the the telepath well!!
10. Winner of the India Vs Bangladesh series in May?
Well, I have no clue, man!
Bye for now , I have to go ,sit and think abt the Ind V Bang series!LOL! Adieuss!
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
Who am I?
and someone looks back,
into the depths of my eyes........
Is that me?
or am I that?
Who are we?
The more I think ,
the more forget to sleep,
to talk or to even wink!!
The more people I aks,
in deeper depths of confusion, I bask
Who Am I?
I ve always wondered,
but never really pondered,
Am I a Kryptonite,
born in the cold darkness of the night?
The stars keep shining......
and the sun continues to rise in the east.........
But I keep whining,
because I am puzzled,
about my dreary life,
which seems to be a long unending strife..............