Time passed, slowly like a snake slithering lazily through the desert sand.....
Well, dude that's my lame attempt at poetry. There's only one way to describe it, it sucks you douchebag! Poetry is one thing I have never actually been able to get hold of. Ok, not the one thing, but many things like mooting! Yeah yeah I haven't been able to write as well, I really have no clue why.
There have been so many attempts to wcome up with something spectacularly funny, when I actually get down to writing, I am blank! So, what has happened to my life in the last few months. Well, for starters I turned 19. Nothing special, it was the same as turning 17, or 16 or 5. Yeah, I went home this time, not that anyone cares!
Oh yeah, it's Diwali today, "HAPPY DIWALI!". All hail Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.
Ok, this is a real question which has been floating in my over sized under stocked head for sometime. Why do people like animals? Why say people there was time in my life when I used to say, my dog was my best friend. I have a friend who's obsessed with dogs, dogs of every kind, including the street mongrels.
People say a dog's a man's best friend. Dogs have always had a place in the literature (haven't you heard of Clifford, the big red dog?), language( What's up dawg?), music (Who Let The Dogs Out?), cartoons(Snoopy, Pluto, Goofy). I have found from my extensive research(Googling) that dogs are indeed the most respected of our animal friends.
Dogs also lend appeal to many celebs(read Paris Hilton). Brett Lee went to name his Grey Hound, well, um 'Brett Lee'. "Well, Mr. Lee", quizzed a curious journalist, "why Brett Lee". Mr.Lee says, "He's fast". Don't read too much into that. Well, it'll be heavenly to see Tom Cruise walking his big dog, or Adam Sandler with his bull dog. I think the most publisized, and most hyped dog is ofcourse, Ms. Hilton's disgusting chihuahua (bleh!). Nowadays Rihanna, Hillary Duff, and yeah, Nicole Richie all sport their pocket sized dogs!
Indian celebs are not too far behind. Our own 'cricchick' Mandira(who can serioulsy give a competition to dogs in the looks depaertment), has the most gorgeous K9s in this planet! John Abraham, the PETA supporter aka hot hunk loves his dogs! No wonder they say, India is everywhere these days!
Yeah, the common man loves his dogs. though not everyone can have the perfect PEDIGREE dog, people do spend crazy money on their dogs! We have exclusive dog trainers, dog beauty parlours. lol. Well, yeah we have 'items' who love their dogs more than they love their children :)
We have heard of cases in India where peopl have adopted monkeys, donkeys, dogs, and yes, TREES! Now, I can safely assume that, what Micheal Crichton, wrote in his book, "NEXT", has been possible in India from time immemorial.Well, as they say, anything's possible here!
So long, Suckers!
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
'Apparently, G told me we are good friends'
'Apparently we are going out to the movies today'
'Apparently, my name is Sneha'
'Apparently, birds fly in the sky'
Ok. I made up the last one. The other three are real sentences spoken by a lot of my peers, who for reasons beyond my comprehension, use it wherever they can. It's became like a fashion statement, the word has grown in equivalence to, let's say, a Gucci bag or a Prada skirt. Also just like how we have fake Prada and fake Gucci, we also have the rampant misusage of the poor word. So, in colleges like mine you have people saying stuff like, 'Apparently, P told me that Z and F are going out!'
Dude, watch it! Ouch, what language. You don't use apparently, when you yourself has spoken the words.
The 'apparently' disease is common among the Professors as well. We have the 'jolly guy', who uses the word like its his second name.
"Apparently, I have not read the following case in Constituitonal Law "
Again, dude you apparently do not know the correct use of the word in question.
So, yeah this sometimes leads to funny results,
'Apparently S told me there's no class today'
'Apparently, I am going to the doctor'
This habbit irritates me. i have scarred my vocal chords, by the sheer nunber of times I had to yell at people, and reason with them, and yeah, also try and explain to them. Oh no, it's still the same,'Apparently, I cried in my sleep last night'
Maybe not everyone can afford to buy Gucci bags, and Prada skirts, but I am sure they can try to learn the propoer positioning, of words in sentences!
Apparent, ain't it?
'Apparently we are going out to the movies today'
'Apparently, my name is Sneha'
'Apparently, birds fly in the sky'
Ok. I made up the last one. The other three are real sentences spoken by a lot of my peers, who for reasons beyond my comprehension, use it wherever they can. It's became like a fashion statement, the word has grown in equivalence to, let's say, a Gucci bag or a Prada skirt. Also just like how we have fake Prada and fake Gucci, we also have the rampant misusage of the poor word. So, in colleges like mine you have people saying stuff like, 'Apparently, P told me that Z and F are going out!'
Dude, watch it! Ouch, what language. You don't use apparently, when you yourself has spoken the words.
The 'apparently' disease is common among the Professors as well. We have the 'jolly guy', who uses the word like its his second name.
"Apparently, I have not read the following case in Constituitonal Law "
Again, dude you apparently do not know the correct use of the word in question.
So, yeah this sometimes leads to funny results,
'Apparently S told me there's no class today'
'Apparently, I am going to the doctor'
This habbit irritates me. i have scarred my vocal chords, by the sheer nunber of times I had to yell at people, and reason with them, and yeah, also try and explain to them. Oh no, it's still the same,'Apparently, I cried in my sleep last night'
Maybe not everyone can afford to buy Gucci bags, and Prada skirts, but I am sure they can try to learn the propoer positioning, of words in sentences!
Apparent, ain't it?
Friday, 14 August 2009
Contracts??? I have my doubts!
Today in class, people were throwing pieces of chalk at eachother, for those who know my class, you may think, whats the big deal? our class is obsessed with chalks!
Botox- you people should stop playing with chalks!
(As usual, her appeal falls on deaf ears!)
Botox-Ok, now people gimme your balls!
(Ahem! May I have the Committee for child/student/word/ abuse please?)
Snigger Snigger...
Botox- you people should stop playing with chalks!
(As usual, her appeal falls on deaf ears!)
Botox-Ok, now people gimme your balls!
(Ahem! May I have the Committee for child/student/word/ abuse please?)
Snigger Snigger...
Sunday, 9 August 2009
"Less is more"
All the citizens of the Gen Y, haven't you noticed something? Something like a fact that has been staring right at you, for a long time now? The mere fact that we happen to live our lives a world of "less is more", disturbing ain't it?
Let's take an example, say a group of uber cool people go to a place like McDonalds, ad order some food, say three McChicken combos, now they expect their order to be delivered to them within 5 minutes. Even if, the poor guy takes a minute more, he starts hearing stuff like, "What the F*** ya, b***** place, so freaking slow!". Yes, the concept of fast food has totally caught on India. Now again, less is more ain't it?
TIme is wasted, save time. Space is being wasted , save space. The most important of it all, save money. These days, it is true save twenty four hours in a day do not seem sufficient, for a person. People want 'crash courses', delivery within 30 minutes ( lol, i meant pizza delivery), faster transport, and yeah, thinner models.
I know, thinner models. Lesser fabric in their clothes, talk about wastage of cotton. Go to a shop like, well take any shop, pick up a shirt, or a top rather, it will look like they used less than a cubic metre of cloth and when you look at the price, hmmm, i am sure you get the gist! WEll if you happen to be an oversized person like me, you are definetly a threat to mother Earth! (OOOO....that's a nice incentive to start working out! Ooooo reduce, or else you will solely be responsible for the apocalypse!)
We love princess Z...people sorry forthe little commercial break, it was a random friend messing around with my post! Furthur queries on this will not be entertained, nor will further attempts at sabotaging my POSTS!
That brings me to the next logical question, all this saving for whom? The earth is getting polluted anyway, who cares? I mean, ironically arent we wasting time by thinking about all this? It does seem pretty odd these days, that people always seem to be in a hurry, work, movie, presentation, college, and whatever.So in times like these it's pretty obvious that people will give more value to "less is more".
That gets me thinking, why can't it apply to grades and GPAs. Keep thinking! :D
Let's take an example, say a group of uber cool people go to a place like McDonalds, ad order some food, say three McChicken combos, now they expect their order to be delivered to them within 5 minutes. Even if, the poor guy takes a minute more, he starts hearing stuff like, "What the F*** ya, b***** place, so freaking slow!". Yes, the concept of fast food has totally caught on India. Now again, less is more ain't it?
TIme is wasted, save time. Space is being wasted , save space. The most important of it all, save money. These days, it is true save twenty four hours in a day do not seem sufficient, for a person. People want 'crash courses', delivery within 30 minutes ( lol, i meant pizza delivery), faster transport, and yeah, thinner models.
I know, thinner models. Lesser fabric in their clothes, talk about wastage of cotton. Go to a shop like, well take any shop, pick up a shirt, or a top rather, it will look like they used less than a cubic metre of cloth and when you look at the price, hmmm, i am sure you get the gist! WEll if you happen to be an oversized person like me, you are definetly a threat to mother Earth! (OOOO....that's a nice incentive to start working out! Ooooo reduce, or else you will solely be responsible for the apocalypse!)
We love princess Z...people sorry forthe little commercial break, it was a random friend messing around with my post! Furthur queries on this will not be entertained, nor will further attempts at sabotaging my POSTS!
That brings me to the next logical question, all this saving for whom? The earth is getting polluted anyway, who cares? I mean, ironically arent we wasting time by thinking about all this? It does seem pretty odd these days, that people always seem to be in a hurry, work, movie, presentation, college, and whatever.So in times like these it's pretty obvious that people will give more value to "less is more".
That gets me thinking, why can't it apply to grades and GPAs. Keep thinking! :D
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Sex or Gender?
This is one of the biggest questions that have always troubled my tiny cranium. Yeah, as I may put it, is it sex or gender? Why is it in all forms we have to fill up a column titled ‘sex’? Why not gender? Why are little kids taught their gender is male or female and not sex? Why? Why? Why?
Is it because at the mention of the word sex, people’s minds usually conjure up the verb form of the word and not the noun? It’s been a puzzle to me ever since I found out that both gender and sex actually do mean the same. I remember, me all of eight years after reading my birth certificate, calmly walk to my dad and said, “Nana what does sex mean?” Well my old man, being the dad he always is simply, looked at me and said,” It means that you have to write if you are a girl or boy?” Now, that was quite enough for my eight year old brain.
Time passes along, and I reach age 10. I was in the company of a then 12 year old guy (whose name has been hidden for obvious reasons, let’s call him S). We were both looking at a college application his elder brother was supposed to be filling. S’s eyes immediately fall on the word, well you know, SEX. And all that comes out of that mouth is ‘ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo’. I was puzzled, and I stared and stared at him. I went back home. I was restless, until dad finally asked me what was itching me. I told him, what took place. He doubled up with laughter, and said I’ll learn about it in school. I was not satisfied, I confronted S. I demanded an explanation.
Now, S’s blatant truth totally shattered my, I was born ‘cause of the stork’ theory. It shook my little head, and made me question my own existence. At first I refused to believe him, than I asked him, If his mum and dad ‘did it’ too?
As you can imagine, my little head, had horrible visions of Ben and Jerry ‘doing it’. It shook my core, I could not summon up the courage to ask dad, and to confront him. As I grew older, I was subjected to much more usage of the verb form of the work in question.
That also brings me onto one other topic, why do we have to mention our ‘sex’ or ‘gender’? Like anyone cares, anyway I was thinking that all those applications must change that column to ‘orientation’, so then we will not have Naz Foundation, coming up with another of the PILs, to say that applications are violative of article 14 of the Constitution. So yeah, now India officially recognizes 6 genders, or may I say, sexes, Male, Female, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexuals. Instead of two columns we shall now have six columns on any applications.
In the past people used to be scared of their offsprings running away, with their opposite sex, now even a two boys, seen together can land them in huge trouble! I still get troubled reactions from little cousins, when I use the word ‘sex’. They look at me like I have committed a sin, and I need to be purged in holy water. While these I must say, are the very kids who watch, Johny Bravo in Hindi, and guess what? No sniggers when, Johny says,’Hey sexy’. When I say it, it’s all;’Akka said the S word’.
In a country life ours where three to four of our kids are the average in every house, I don’t get how people often consider sex as taboo. We have mythical lore which talks of Pandava having 100 sons, and people giving birth due to the fruit of life. How do they think kids happen? Do they seriously believe that kids are dropped from heavens? I have thought about it, every single day since I found out what the verb form signifies. Is’nt our land considered to be the land of the ‘Kama Sutra’?
Let’s just hope that there will come a day, when children all over India will say, my sex is male or female or whatever else.
[This post was not intended to hurt the feelings of any LGBT person, If it does so, my sincere apologies. ]
Is it because at the mention of the word sex, people’s minds usually conjure up the verb form of the word and not the noun? It’s been a puzzle to me ever since I found out that both gender and sex actually do mean the same. I remember, me all of eight years after reading my birth certificate, calmly walk to my dad and said, “Nana what does sex mean?” Well my old man, being the dad he always is simply, looked at me and said,” It means that you have to write if you are a girl or boy?” Now, that was quite enough for my eight year old brain.
Time passes along, and I reach age 10. I was in the company of a then 12 year old guy (whose name has been hidden for obvious reasons, let’s call him S). We were both looking at a college application his elder brother was supposed to be filling. S’s eyes immediately fall on the word, well you know, SEX. And all that comes out of that mouth is ‘ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo’. I was puzzled, and I stared and stared at him. I went back home. I was restless, until dad finally asked me what was itching me. I told him, what took place. He doubled up with laughter, and said I’ll learn about it in school. I was not satisfied, I confronted S. I demanded an explanation.
Now, S’s blatant truth totally shattered my, I was born ‘cause of the stork’ theory. It shook my little head, and made me question my own existence. At first I refused to believe him, than I asked him, If his mum and dad ‘did it’ too?
As you can imagine, my little head, had horrible visions of Ben and Jerry ‘doing it’. It shook my core, I could not summon up the courage to ask dad, and to confront him. As I grew older, I was subjected to much more usage of the verb form of the work in question.
That also brings me onto one other topic, why do we have to mention our ‘sex’ or ‘gender’? Like anyone cares, anyway I was thinking that all those applications must change that column to ‘orientation’, so then we will not have Naz Foundation, coming up with another of the PILs, to say that applications are violative of article 14 of the Constitution. So yeah, now India officially recognizes 6 genders, or may I say, sexes, Male, Female, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexuals. Instead of two columns we shall now have six columns on any applications.
In the past people used to be scared of their offsprings running away, with their opposite sex, now even a two boys, seen together can land them in huge trouble! I still get troubled reactions from little cousins, when I use the word ‘sex’. They look at me like I have committed a sin, and I need to be purged in holy water. While these I must say, are the very kids who watch, Johny Bravo in Hindi, and guess what? No sniggers when, Johny says,’Hey sexy’. When I say it, it’s all;’Akka said the S word’.
In a country life ours where three to four of our kids are the average in every house, I don’t get how people often consider sex as taboo. We have mythical lore which talks of Pandava having 100 sons, and people giving birth due to the fruit of life. How do they think kids happen? Do they seriously believe that kids are dropped from heavens? I have thought about it, every single day since I found out what the verb form signifies. Is’nt our land considered to be the land of the ‘Kama Sutra’?
Let’s just hope that there will come a day, when children all over India will say, my sex is male or female or whatever else.
[This post was not intended to hurt the feelings of any LGBT person, If it does so, my sincere apologies. ]
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
SNC-Sir, what is the scope of the word 'thing' in section blah blah blah?
Muksa- It can include anything, pen, pencil ,anything, Taj Mahal...
Muksa- It can include anything, pen, pencil ,anything, Taj Mahal...
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Life...................(Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, Keshavananda Bharti v State of Kerala)
It's been a while since I've written a post. It's for a combination of factors really. For a few inexcusable reasons, I could not bring myself to write. Well, anyway I'll try to put all that behind me as soon as possible. No more posts lamenting on the many turns and twists my life has taken. What 'life'? I am only 18, and I am just a year old in college! There's plenty of time left to feel sorry for myself in life. According to a WHO report(for all the losers who do not know what's WHO it's ,World Health Organization, a part of the United Nations.Still no clue? Google it!)the average life span of an Indian female is 63 years. So yeah, I still have plenty of time to think.
As you can see, I have begun giving authorities, to whatever information I quote. Well, call this the law school effect. After doing making countless memos, well not countless, it's 6 actually, the habit has seeped into this tiny brain of mine! Yeah, it's funny but I have been in Law school for a little more than a year.
My life has changed drastically since I moved into room no.207, NGH of NLU. I decided to document as many as I can. Here's to change!
1. The most important, eating bland food, rock hard idlis, searching for good south Indian food. Finally settling for whatever you get.
2. Why waste money on movie tickets when you have a perfectly functioning laptop? and a LAN connection?
3. Washing clothes, back home all I had to do was, well drop the dirty clothes in to the laundry box. Well, here I finally learnt how to use the machine! :)
4. Ironing my own clothes, it took me sometime to get a hang of this one! Thanks to a lot of help from the Bushy haired girl, I managed it!
5. Cleaning my room! The one hate the most, ugh! the dust, the clutter, especially thanks to my 'shopoholic' nature, I generally end up finding, things I don't even remember buying, then I go around asking who they belong to! Most of the time I am reminded of the time I bought that particular bauble, thinking I absolutely cannot survive without it!
6. Loud music, emanating from any room on the floor.
7. Filling the cooler, what a pain!
8. My usual hangout coffee shop, Barista, has been replaced by Coffee Day!
9. Instead of Little Italy, I go to King's Pavillion for Pasta.
10. Deli 9's chocolate pastries have given way to 15 A.D.
11. Shopper's Stop, Lifestyle, City Center Mall, Central have heralded the arrival of "National Handloom", "Reliance Mart" and "Ansal Plaza".
12. The new McDonald's made me feel as happy as a new mum!
13. Masala filled Hyderabadi Dum Biryani, is replaced by the Jodhpuri version, of green colored Andhra Chicken Pulav, deceptively termed "Hyderabadi Biryani".
14. The best takeaway joints are Kashmiri Spicy, Shaheen and Chics and Kabs. All adorning the roadside!
15. The worst of all, getting used to travelling in bone cracking autos and not my Zen or Santro! :)
16. Street shopping in Charminar, Badi Chowdi, and General Bazar is replaced by Nai Sarak.
17. I am still getting used to teh fact that, the only fort in the place I live in is Mehrangarh, and not Golkonda.
The rajasthani twang, the hot sun, the bright colors, will still need some getting used to, but what is life without change? Isn't life about enjoying every moment you can? After all going by the who statistics I just have 45 years to live. That dosen't seem too long now, does it?
As my mum always said, Life's too short to hold grudges! :)
As you can see, I have begun giving authorities, to whatever information I quote. Well, call this the law school effect. After doing making countless memos, well not countless, it's 6 actually, the habit has seeped into this tiny brain of mine! Yeah, it's funny but I have been in Law school for a little more than a year.
My life has changed drastically since I moved into room no.207, NGH of NLU. I decided to document as many as I can. Here's to change!
1. The most important, eating bland food, rock hard idlis, searching for good south Indian food. Finally settling for whatever you get.
2. Why waste money on movie tickets when you have a perfectly functioning laptop? and a LAN connection?
3. Washing clothes, back home all I had to do was, well drop the dirty clothes in to the laundry box. Well, here I finally learnt how to use the machine! :)
4. Ironing my own clothes, it took me sometime to get a hang of this one! Thanks to a lot of help from the Bushy haired girl, I managed it!
5. Cleaning my room! The one hate the most, ugh! the dust, the clutter, especially thanks to my 'shopoholic' nature, I generally end up finding, things I don't even remember buying, then I go around asking who they belong to! Most of the time I am reminded of the time I bought that particular bauble, thinking I absolutely cannot survive without it!
6. Loud music, emanating from any room on the floor.
7. Filling the cooler, what a pain!
8. My usual hangout coffee shop, Barista, has been replaced by Coffee Day!
9. Instead of Little Italy, I go to King's Pavillion for Pasta.
10. Deli 9's chocolate pastries have given way to 15 A.D.
11. Shopper's Stop, Lifestyle, City Center Mall, Central have heralded the arrival of "National Handloom", "Reliance Mart" and "Ansal Plaza".
12. The new McDonald's made me feel as happy as a new mum!
13. Masala filled Hyderabadi Dum Biryani, is replaced by the Jodhpuri version, of green colored Andhra Chicken Pulav, deceptively termed "Hyderabadi Biryani".
14. The best takeaway joints are Kashmiri Spicy, Shaheen and Chics and Kabs. All adorning the roadside!
15. The worst of all, getting used to travelling in bone cracking autos and not my Zen or Santro! :)
16. Street shopping in Charminar, Badi Chowdi, and General Bazar is replaced by Nai Sarak.
17. I am still getting used to teh fact that, the only fort in the place I live in is Mehrangarh, and not Golkonda.
The rajasthani twang, the hot sun, the bright colors, will still need some getting used to, but what is life without change? Isn't life about enjoying every moment you can? After all going by the who statistics I just have 45 years to live. That dosen't seem too long now, does it?
As my mum always said, Life's too short to hold grudges! :)
Friday, 17 July 2009
Sastas in the rain.........
First of all, I'd like to congratulate myself on reaching my 100th blog. I look forward to writing more crap, and finding people who read it. :)
Here's a few conversations I heard in our University.
A few girls in an auto-Bye! Bye!
666-Take care, Garnier.
In the gym, when its raining people were singing,
People-Aaegaa Aaegaa aanewala, aaegaaa........
Chucky-Bhooth aaegaa!
In the same gym,
Random-Let's play anthakshari!
Random no.2-Let's play Rapid fire!
Random no.3-Let's play Rapid fire. What is rapid fire????
Me(sitting outside)-
So continue my days..in this 'randomness'!
Here's a few conversations I heard in our University.
A few girls in an auto-Bye! Bye!
666-Take care, Garnier.
In the gym, when its raining people were singing,
People-Aaegaa Aaegaa aanewala, aaegaaa........
Chucky-Bhooth aaegaa!
In the same gym,
Random-Let's play anthakshari!
Random no.2-Let's play Rapid fire!
Random no.3-Let's play Rapid fire. What is rapid fire????
Me(sitting outside)-
So continue my days..in this 'randomness'!
Thursday, 9 July 2009
This post is dedicated to the creators of LTTE. The 'genius creators of the intellectually stimulating' blog have also inspired me to write this 'stimulating' post. I hit upon this idea when I was sitting next to yellow, in a rather dull history class.
The following post contains certain very classified and valuable information. It's an insiders view of the proceedings of Room 11 of a certain 'Halls of Learning'.
Early in an OB class,
Sunshine walks in with two of his rays,
(OB shoots an icy look)
SS-Sorry mam, first time
OB-This is my first class
*Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah!*
During a heated debate on offences,
MS-The driver of a car which breaks down and causes a road block is guilty of causing public nuisance.
Curly haired girl- The driver is not guilty cuz, he has no mens rea. The car is guilty, because it broke down....
*applause* *applause*
Walking down from a drab history class,
Curly haired girl, in the tone of somebody who's found out that they won a lottery-
Mithakshara and Dayabhaga are not Hindu schools of law! They are Nibandhas! Ha! Ha!
Talk about students being stressed in Law Schools.
While talking about offence,
MS-........................said Justice Edward Coke, the founder of Coca Cola,........
Bushy haired girl-Really?
MS-No. It was just a joke.
During a five minute I walked into class.
N, said the following, pointing to Guy S and Slash, who were sleeping with their heads down on the their table.
"Two people sleeping together"
Marketing was walking into class, and people were stumbling back into their seats,
Curly haired girl-Get a Life!
Bushy haired girl-Get a wife!
*India said gay ho! dinnit?*
LC(girl)-Three Mukherjees are coming! I might get lucky!
(One of them is a girl!)
*All hail 377*
The following post contains certain very classified and valuable information. It's an insiders view of the proceedings of Room 11 of a certain 'Halls of Learning'.
Early in an OB class,
Sunshine walks in with two of his rays,
(OB shoots an icy look)
SS-Sorry mam, first time
OB-This is my first class
*Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah!*
During a heated debate on offences,
MS-The driver of a car which breaks down and causes a road block is guilty of causing public nuisance.
Curly haired girl- The driver is not guilty cuz, he has no mens rea. The car is guilty, because it broke down....
*applause* *applause*
Walking down from a drab history class,
Curly haired girl, in the tone of somebody who's found out that they won a lottery-
Mithakshara and Dayabhaga are not Hindu schools of law! They are Nibandhas! Ha! Ha!
Talk about students being stressed in Law Schools.
While talking about offence,
MS-........................said Justice Edward Coke, the founder of Coca Cola,........
Bushy haired girl-Really?
MS-No. It was just a joke.
During a five minute I walked into class.
N, said the following, pointing to Guy S and Slash, who were sleeping with their heads down on the their table.
"Two people sleeping together"
Marketing was walking into class, and people were stumbling back into their seats,
Curly haired girl-Get a Life!
Bushy haired girl-Get a wife!
*India said gay ho! dinnit?*
LC(girl)-Three Mukherjees are coming! I might get lucky!
(One of them is a girl!)
*All hail 377*
Monday, 6 July 2009
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Life must go on...............
Yeah, it has been two years since my life was shattered. Nothing else that happened after that cataclysmic event really matters…Zero, Zilch, and Nada. Things that seemed strange or even absurd back then seem very normal right now. Do I miss the life I had back then? I don’t know, maybe I do deserve this. Hell yes, I miss that life, I miss her. Imagine having no one to share your little secrets with, imagine having no shoulder to cry on, imagine no one to cook fantabulous Brett Lee (Butter) Chicken and Coconut Rice for you. Imagine having a hole in your gut, well, this is a thousand times more horrible. The worst of all is having no one to call ‘Amma’, or as I put it, “Ben”.
Law School, she wanted to see me in one. Yet I feel like here I don’t belong here, like this is not meant to be.
I hate the day it happened, the day the hour and even the minute. Worst of all, the memories that I associate with those days, the pain, the anguish, the sense of being lost. The nightmares I still wake up to some nights, well make that, most nights. When I got my CLAT result, it was like I got a blow on my head. The person with whom I wanted to party, the one whom I wanted to see on my convocation day, well, just not there anymore. That day, when my other friends were happy, were partying for me, I was lost. I was in tears. I was surrounded by people, yet I felt lonely. I was frustrated. I still am. I lost her, in fact we lost her, Daddy and I. I wish I had been the one, and not her.
People say things; they say she’d be watching over me. They say she’s proud of me. I don’t think so. Not after what I did in law school. Never. It would have killed her to know what I did. It would have been her worst nightmare. I let my friends down. She’d have never forgiven me for that. I know I disappointed her. I just do. I hate myself for that. I could kill myself for that. After this, I can never be the daughter she wanted me to be.
She loved white lilies, just like I do. She was intelligent, smart and beautiful. She loved to read a habit which passed onto me. She was fascinated by the Constitution, just like I am. Law never failed to amaze and enthrall her; it does the same to me. She was perfect. She lived her life to the fullest. She loved me more than anything in this whole world. I’ll always love her.
No matter what I do in life, that’s assuming my tiny academically inactive brain lets me do anything, no matter what I achieve, that’s also subject to the conditions of my academically non functioning brain, I will always have no one to tell. No one, absolutely.
I lost my mum. Exactly one year and 10 odd months later, I lost my best friend. The whole in my gut just got bigger. Way bigger. The suddenly got a lot more lonlier.
Here’s a little lyric from a Sugababes song, I thought would be the perfect way to end this post:
“I was dumb, I was wrong
I let you down,
Now I know what I feel about you.
Can we bring yesterday back around?
Now I know what I feel about you.”
I know sounds strange coming from ‘Sugababes’, but it kind of completes the post. Ciao.
Law School, she wanted to see me in one. Yet I feel like here I don’t belong here, like this is not meant to be.
I hate the day it happened, the day the hour and even the minute. Worst of all, the memories that I associate with those days, the pain, the anguish, the sense of being lost. The nightmares I still wake up to some nights, well make that, most nights. When I got my CLAT result, it was like I got a blow on my head. The person with whom I wanted to party, the one whom I wanted to see on my convocation day, well, just not there anymore. That day, when my other friends were happy, were partying for me, I was lost. I was in tears. I was surrounded by people, yet I felt lonely. I was frustrated. I still am. I lost her, in fact we lost her, Daddy and I. I wish I had been the one, and not her.
People say things; they say she’d be watching over me. They say she’s proud of me. I don’t think so. Not after what I did in law school. Never. It would have killed her to know what I did. It would have been her worst nightmare. I let my friends down. She’d have never forgiven me for that. I know I disappointed her. I just do. I hate myself for that. I could kill myself for that. After this, I can never be the daughter she wanted me to be.
She loved white lilies, just like I do. She was intelligent, smart and beautiful. She loved to read a habit which passed onto me. She was fascinated by the Constitution, just like I am. Law never failed to amaze and enthrall her; it does the same to me. She was perfect. She lived her life to the fullest. She loved me more than anything in this whole world. I’ll always love her.
No matter what I do in life, that’s assuming my tiny academically inactive brain lets me do anything, no matter what I achieve, that’s also subject to the conditions of my academically non functioning brain, I will always have no one to tell. No one, absolutely.
I lost my mum. Exactly one year and 10 odd months later, I lost my best friend. The whole in my gut just got bigger. Way bigger. The suddenly got a lot more lonlier.
Here’s a little lyric from a Sugababes song, I thought would be the perfect way to end this post:
“I was dumb, I was wrong
I let you down,
Now I know what I feel about you.
Can we bring yesterday back around?
Now I know what I feel about you.”
I know sounds strange coming from ‘Sugababes’, but it kind of completes the post. Ciao.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
It's holidays. I have been home a long week. It's fun to be back home, to do some soul searching, to find myself. I got a haircut, yeah my hair's really short now! Yup! I wanted to do something radical to my bushy hair! So my hair is like just above my shoulders, sorta like a scifi flick movie heroine! lmao. I am high, after all I am in HIGHderabad!
Thursday, 23 April 2009
EXAMS AHOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The last two three weeks of the semester...you usually find people with long faces, puffy eyes, grown beards, and basically tired, and sleepy. The Xerox section is generally clogged! The lights are on the whole night. People discover the innumerable uses of electric kettles like making soup, making horrible Sun feast Pasta,Coffee, and Maggie. You generally find clusters of people sitting in the Acad Block, or outside the mess, or around the tables in front of Papsa's Shop and the Library. Papsa's sales generally increase during the pre exam and exam period.
I am facing the end terms in less than two weeks.I am not sure what is there and what is not there in the syllabus. So it's exam time guys, and I am packing my bags and running off to my Local Guardian's place. To better food and A/C!!!!!!! Then better time once I get back to HYDERABAD on the 10th of May. I still have a week to go for the end terms, I promise I'll study as much as I can. So people no posts till I get home! It's funny, but in one of my earlier posts last year, I've written something like, If I work hard enough, I may just be writing my posts from inside a Law School! Yeah, now that's possible, I know I can do anything if I really want to. Right now, I really want to give a good end term, and finish off this miserable semester, which has taught me loads, I seriously did, on a high.
So until next time, this is Just Sneha signing off.............oh! btw for all the NLUites who read my blog,Happy end terms! and Happy holidays.
P.S.-Looking forward to the next semester, where we'll be 'SENIORS'. YaY!
I am facing the end terms in less than two weeks.I am not sure what is there and what is not there in the syllabus. So it's exam time guys, and I am packing my bags and running off to my Local Guardian's place. To better food and A/C!!!!!!! Then better time once I get back to HYDERABAD on the 10th of May. I still have a week to go for the end terms, I promise I'll study as much as I can. So people no posts till I get home! It's funny, but in one of my earlier posts last year, I've written something like, If I work hard enough, I may just be writing my posts from inside a Law School! Yeah, now that's possible, I know I can do anything if I really want to. Right now, I really want to give a good end term, and finish off this miserable semester, which has taught me loads, I seriously did, on a high.
So until next time, this is Just Sneha signing off.............oh! btw for all the NLUites who read my blog,Happy end terms! and Happy holidays.
P.S.-Looking forward to the next semester, where we'll be 'SENIORS'. YaY!
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
The little joys of law school
1. Waking up at 7 and realizing there's no class and going back to sleep.
2. Eating Janta grilled sandwiches.
3. Seeing the word fish written on the DMD menu.
4. Discovering a Dairy Milk whilst cleaning your room.
5. Typing the last word of a memo.
6. Classes getting cancelled.
7. Rain accompanied with sandstorms.
8. Watching IPL in the mess..
9. Getting the much awaited parcel with muruku, gurjiya, and other awesome things from home.
10. Eating kettle cooked Maggie at 2 in the night..
11. Knowing people read and adore your blog.........
2. Eating Janta grilled sandwiches.
3. Seeing the word fish written on the DMD menu.
4. Discovering a Dairy Milk whilst cleaning your room.
5. Typing the last word of a memo.
6. Classes getting cancelled.
7. Rain accompanied with sandstorms.
8. Watching IPL in the mess..
9. Getting the much awaited parcel with muruku, gurjiya, and other awesome things from home.
10. Eating kettle cooked Maggie at 2 in the night..
11. Knowing people read and adore your blog.........
Monday, 20 April 2009
A 'cool' girl and her monstrous 'Cooler'-1
This weekend was one of the most free weekends of this semester. It was also one of the most fulfilling. On Friday evening, I was very low, and sad. So Curly Wurly and I decided its high time to get ourselves a Cooler. So, we went to Nai Sarak and 'checked out' what was on offer. Our eyes fell on this 'local body, ISI mark motor and fan". This was our choice no.1. Then it was another auto to B-Road, and saw another shop, and decided the coolers were too huge!
By this time, there were elephants running around in my huge tummy, so Curly Wurly, put our 'mission' on hold and proceeded to her favorite pasta place, and gorged on Cheese Cutlet Sizzler and Death by Chocolate. She got Cheese pasta packed. SO now with tummyfuls of Pasta and ice cream, we went to Nai Sarak and bought the 'local body with ISI marked Motor and Fan", "NLU Standard size, 21" by 21". Two grey monsters.
Curly Wurly's frantic phone call wakes me up from my afternoon siesta. "Cooler's coming! I am in the library waiting for viva". The much awaited beauty finally arrived. But they say, things are never easy, no pain without gain, and the like, don't they? Well it so holds true in my case. The grey monster did not fit through my balcony door. Yup. It did not. So the guy said, "ask the carpenter get the door removed, put the cooler in the balcony". I called up NLU Carpenter, and asked him to come, and he said he'd turn up the next day. That fixed, I heaved a supreme sigh of relief. Little did I know my troubles were only beginning!
The cooler was fixed, the fan and the motor worked, or so we thought. I switched it off, paid the auto guy. Then I came back into my room, yes! the monster is 'in' my room and not the balcony, as it's supposed to be! I switched on the cooler, and BAM! nothing happened! NOTHING! The thnig just simply stared right back at me! Then followed what seemed like thousand phone calls, to Curly Wurly's hostelmate, to the Gate, and to the shop, I was told to wait for an hour for the guy to come and fix it up. FIX UP A BRAND NEW COOLER!
Then she walked into my room. My not so near neighbor,she switched on the cooler and happened to touch the body. ELECTRIC SHOCK! More inspections followed, by more 'experts'. This was my not so near neighbor's gyaan:
Hey, I think he gave you a fake piece. What if during August you want to switch off the pump, and 'accidentally' touch the body? Your door will be locked and no one will know." I FREAKED out! Locked my door, and bolted to SN Halls, where Curly Wurly lives!
We checked and double checked and triple checked her cooler. It was fine. I decided to kidnap her for sometime, and took her back to NGH. We were sitting in the library girl's room when, the hostel bell rang and in came the 'cooler guy'. He replaced the cooler's pump! He even touched the runnning cooler to prove that there's nothing to worry about. My heart beat, slowed. I heaved a sigh of relief! Finally. Now the cooler's sitting happily in my room, waiting for the carpenter to put her in the balcony!
I spent last night in my cool cool room, with the monster for company, and watched the Chargers comprehensively beat the Knight Riders! A happy ending to a 'pretty amazing weekend'.
This weekend was one of the most free weekends of this semester. It was also one of the most fulfilling. On Friday evening, I was very low, and sad. So Curly Wurly and I decided its high time to get ourselves a Cooler. So, we went to Nai Sarak and 'checked out' what was on offer. Our eyes fell on this 'local body, ISI mark motor and fan". This was our choice no.1. Then it was another auto to B-Road, and saw another shop, and decided the coolers were too huge!
By this time, there were elephants running around in my huge tummy, so Curly Wurly, put our 'mission' on hold and proceeded to her favorite pasta place, and gorged on Cheese Cutlet Sizzler and Death by Chocolate. She got Cheese pasta packed. SO now with tummyfuls of Pasta and ice cream, we went to Nai Sarak and bought the 'local body with ISI marked Motor and Fan", "NLU Standard size, 21" by 21". Two grey monsters.
Curly Wurly's frantic phone call wakes me up from my afternoon siesta. "Cooler's coming! I am in the library waiting for viva". The much awaited beauty finally arrived. But they say, things are never easy, no pain without gain, and the like, don't they? Well it so holds true in my case. The grey monster did not fit through my balcony door. Yup. It did not. So the guy said, "ask the carpenter get the door removed, put the cooler in the balcony". I called up NLU Carpenter, and asked him to come, and he said he'd turn up the next day. That fixed, I heaved a supreme sigh of relief. Little did I know my troubles were only beginning!
The cooler was fixed, the fan and the motor worked, or so we thought. I switched it off, paid the auto guy. Then I came back into my room, yes! the monster is 'in' my room and not the balcony, as it's supposed to be! I switched on the cooler, and BAM! nothing happened! NOTHING! The thnig just simply stared right back at me! Then followed what seemed like thousand phone calls, to Curly Wurly's hostelmate, to the Gate, and to the shop, I was told to wait for an hour for the guy to come and fix it up. FIX UP A BRAND NEW COOLER!
Then she walked into my room. My not so near neighbor,she switched on the cooler and happened to touch the body. ELECTRIC SHOCK! More inspections followed, by more 'experts'. This was my not so near neighbor's gyaan:
Hey, I think he gave you a fake piece. What if during August you want to switch off the pump, and 'accidentally' touch the body? Your door will be locked and no one will know." I FREAKED out! Locked my door, and bolted to SN Halls, where Curly Wurly lives!
We checked and double checked and triple checked her cooler. It was fine. I decided to kidnap her for sometime, and took her back to NGH. We were sitting in the library girl's room when, the hostel bell rang and in came the 'cooler guy'. He replaced the cooler's pump! He even touched the runnning cooler to prove that there's nothing to worry about. My heart beat, slowed. I heaved a sigh of relief! Finally. Now the cooler's sitting happily in my room, waiting for the carpenter to put her in the balcony!
I spent last night in my cool cool room, with the monster for company, and watched the Chargers comprehensively beat the Knight Riders! A happy ending to a 'pretty amazing weekend'.
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Here's a post without a name. No, I am not saying there's a prize for guessing the name of this post, like you get for guessing fancy movie names.
This post is dedicated to the single most important guy in my life. He's tall, dark and handsome. He's funny, intelligent, caring, and understanding. He's been there for me all through my life, and I know he'll be there for me till whenever possible. He's given me all the things I can possibly ask for.
We've had crazy times and will have, like the time in Orissa on the beach, when we sat on the sand the whole time munching coconut, and just simply staring at the sea. The other time in the Andamans when we climbed to the top of the light house, and sang "On top of the world", at top of our voices. The midnight shopping spree in Sydney, or the crazy dancing on Ben's birthday in Goa. I can never forget the day, when you, me and thatha sat on the terrace drinking beer (sheepish grin), and watched India comprehensively beat Pakistan. The bike rides, the Sunday morning breakfasts, the long drives, the Kingfisher milds, the Ferraro Roche's, the zillions of lazy Sunday evenings spent shopping for second hand books on Abid's Roads, Oreo's, Bread and peanut butter, the terrace top barbecues, the frantic hunting throughout Hyderabad for Rawa Dosa at 11 in the night, just coz of my uncontrollable fetish to have one, weekend getaways, and just simply lazing around in the house doing nothing. The one you like the most, talking about life.....bah!, and just simply TALKING, sitting on the terrace. Or all times you used watch boring Test matches of Australia religiously, just so you can call me or wake me up when Brett comes on to bowl! The chudwa, the rasam, the shenagapappu tomato chutney, the brinjal-aloo-tomato curry, the chicken, Jamshedpur, and the Softy icecream..lol!
I love you daddy. I love the way you brought me up. I love the freedom, the trust, the knowledge you've bestowed upon me. Whatever good things I am today is because of you. I felt like killing myself when I broke your faith. I will struggle to do better, to be the best human being I can be, just like you always told me to be. I love the way you struggle to keep up the 'chocolateyness' in my life even now, or how you struggle these days to pick up the best clothes or shoes for me! I can never forget the day, last summer when we went buy me a Saree, both of us knowing nothing , nothing can ever replace those days.
You have and will always teach me the most important lessons of life. You guys taught me what love is, what trust is, what family is,what life is, I promise I'll take these and treasure these lessons and many more you'll teach me further on, throughout my life. I could not have done whatever I did till now, without you, and of course, Ben. We'll miss her forever, but will learn from her life, to live life queen life, or in your case, king size!
May the insanity, the drunkenness, the dances, the rasam, the Sasthas, CONTINUE forever and ever,
This post is dedicated to the single most important guy in my life. He's tall, dark and handsome. He's funny, intelligent, caring, and understanding. He's been there for me all through my life, and I know he'll be there for me till whenever possible. He's given me all the things I can possibly ask for.
We've had crazy times and will have, like the time in Orissa on the beach, when we sat on the sand the whole time munching coconut, and just simply staring at the sea. The other time in the Andamans when we climbed to the top of the light house, and sang "On top of the world", at top of our voices. The midnight shopping spree in Sydney, or the crazy dancing on Ben's birthday in Goa. I can never forget the day, when you, me and thatha sat on the terrace drinking beer (sheepish grin), and watched India comprehensively beat Pakistan. The bike rides, the Sunday morning breakfasts, the long drives, the Kingfisher milds, the Ferraro Roche's, the zillions of lazy Sunday evenings spent shopping for second hand books on Abid's Roads, Oreo's, Bread and peanut butter, the terrace top barbecues, the frantic hunting throughout Hyderabad for Rawa Dosa at 11 in the night, just coz of my uncontrollable fetish to have one, weekend getaways, and just simply lazing around in the house doing nothing. The one you like the most, talking about life.....bah!, and just simply TALKING, sitting on the terrace. Or all times you used watch boring Test matches of Australia religiously, just so you can call me or wake me up when Brett comes on to bowl! The chudwa, the rasam, the shenagapappu tomato chutney, the brinjal-aloo-tomato curry, the chicken, Jamshedpur, and the Softy icecream..lol!
I love you daddy. I love the way you brought me up. I love the freedom, the trust, the knowledge you've bestowed upon me. Whatever good things I am today is because of you. I felt like killing myself when I broke your faith. I will struggle to do better, to be the best human being I can be, just like you always told me to be. I love the way you struggle to keep up the 'chocolateyness' in my life even now, or how you struggle these days to pick up the best clothes or shoes for me! I can never forget the day, last summer when we went buy me a Saree, both of us knowing nothing , nothing can ever replace those days.
You have and will always teach me the most important lessons of life. You guys taught me what love is, what trust is, what family is,what life is, I promise I'll take these and treasure these lessons and many more you'll teach me further on, throughout my life. I could not have done whatever I did till now, without you, and of course, Ben. We'll miss her forever, but will learn from her life, to live life queen life, or in your case, king size!
May the insanity, the drunkenness, the dances, the rasam, the Sasthas, CONTINUE forever and ever,
Friday, 17 April 2009
10 things I want to do in Life..

Most Hindi movies these days, have this one particular dialogue, where the father asks teh son,"Beta what do u want to do with your life?". The other day, I was watching Dil Chahta Hai, in which the question is posed to Amir Khan. This got me thinking, what do I wanna do with MY LIFE?
I am not really sure, what I'll do 'with' my life, but I know 10 things which I must absolutely do 'in' my life, here's the list.
1. Travel the world. From the highs of the Alps to the deserts of Egypt ,to the vineyards of Europe, to the Downs of Australia, to the clear waters of Cape Town and also the ancient monuments of Peru, go everywhere, see everything. Then come back home and still say India's the best!
2. Never lose touch with the musical part of me.
3. Skydive in the USA and Bungee Jump in New Zealand,go for a Safari in Africa,climb the Harbor Bridge of Sydney and Scuba dive in the Mariana trench.
4. Learn to speak Spanish.
5. Get a Golden Labrador, two Zebra fish, and a cat to live with.
6. Live in a white wooden house facing the sea.
7. Learn to cook , at least, three different cuisines properly.
8. Start schools for impoverished children in all parts of the world, start with D.D. Colony.
9. Read all the novels in the world, written by all possible authors.
10. Find one person, that special someone who is willing to share my crazy life, who doesn't care about my clumsy ways, and will be there for me, come what may.
My life and struggles to get all the things mentioned above will be carefully documented in this blog. All of this is open to debate and scrutiny. :). Oh yeah, there's one more thing, try to be a good lawyer and an even better person. The picture is me eating an ice gola, extremely unhealthy, well at least you know I can do anything....
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
The innumarable uses of the library
Ok. I am sitting in the library, and doing what I am not supposed to do. I am here to find sums and mutilate them to such an extent and show them to 'Saab', so he can publish a book, and throw me some marks, which can help me pass. Yes, pass! I knoe, weird assignment to do, say most sensible people, but for more on 'Saab' refer to my one of previous post . Yeah, so I am veering away from what I intended to write. So what do people do in the library, apart from trying to read books, obviously!
Here’s a collection,
1.Surf the net; you’ll catch most people with bored expressions checking photos of ‘cute hot guys’ on face book.
2.Sleep; check out the journal section,
3.Take photos of pink kurtas and matching pens...tch tch, return of the curly haired girl, and welcome a certain bushy haired girl, who loves taking photos anywhere and everywhere,
4.Read Novels. I saw a girl reading a Jeffrey Archer hidden in a thick Constitutional Law book, talk about wanting to read books! :) :)
5.Read Newspapers…
6.Chat, well this can mean actually talking in whispers or IMing the person sitting next to you. (Courtesy: a certain classmate of mine).
7.Talking on the phone, I figured this was actually possible during the course of my weeklong camp in the library, thanks to a broken LAN wire . Provided, you don’t mind slipping under the desk and speaking in hush hush tones.
8.Play games on their laptops…’Face book mind jolt games Zindabad’, says a certain somebody sitting next to me.
9.Speaking of laptops, did you know that the library is the best possible place to exhibit your new and flashy laptop? It has the right people, you should know the right time to come here and ‘work’, and also the placing of you and of course, the laptop is very important. For best results try out the table, right in front of the door].
10.This one’s gotta top the list; it is the best place to check out “cute, decent’boy’ish type” guys. Well, that is again dependant on the timing.
So, this is what generally happens in the NLU library on a given day at a given time. Now people want to sing in the library, yeah they do, that’s what my neighbor’s been saying from the past half a minute. You do get people who work sincerely; here I must take time to mention a specific library addict and a close friend, who missed the library when she went home in the December break. Talk about things to do in a library, or the sayings that the library is only for nerds!
P.S. - The best thing to do in a library, is of course, update your blog sitting next to girl singing, “Haule Haule”.
Asta La vista, baby!
Here’s a collection,
1.Surf the net; you’ll catch most people with bored expressions checking photos of ‘cute hot guys’ on face book.
2.Sleep; check out the journal section,
3.Take photos of pink kurtas and matching pens...tch tch, return of the curly haired girl, and welcome a certain bushy haired girl, who loves taking photos anywhere and everywhere,
4.Read Novels. I saw a girl reading a Jeffrey Archer hidden in a thick Constitutional Law book, talk about wanting to read books! :) :)
5.Read Newspapers…
6.Chat, well this can mean actually talking in whispers or IMing the person sitting next to you. (Courtesy: a certain classmate of mine).
7.Talking on the phone, I figured this was actually possible during the course of my weeklong camp in the library, thanks to a broken LAN wire . Provided, you don’t mind slipping under the desk and speaking in hush hush tones.
8.Play games on their laptops…’Face book mind jolt games Zindabad’, says a certain somebody sitting next to me.
9.Speaking of laptops, did you know that the library is the best possible place to exhibit your new and flashy laptop? It has the right people, you should know the right time to come here and ‘work’, and also the placing of you and of course, the laptop is very important. For best results try out the table, right in front of the door].
10.This one’s gotta top the list; it is the best place to check out “cute, decent’boy’ish type” guys. Well, that is again dependant on the timing.
So, this is what generally happens in the NLU library on a given day at a given time. Now people want to sing in the library, yeah they do, that’s what my neighbor’s been saying from the past half a minute. You do get people who work sincerely; here I must take time to mention a specific library addict and a close friend, who missed the library when she went home in the December break. Talk about things to do in a library, or the sayings that the library is only for nerds!
P.S. - The best thing to do in a library, is of course, update your blog sitting next to girl singing, “Haule Haule”.
Asta La vista, baby!
Monday, 13 April 2009
A LANless girl's struggles.......
I looked everywhere, every nook and every corner of the Acad Block. I did not find him. he kept eluding me for a few days. I waited like a hungry tigress outside the staff room, in a desperate attempt to find him. Today, when I was on my usual vigil, outside the Library I saw him. My heart beat hastened, I legs started to move by themselves. I ran. I followed him till the tuck shop, then I said,"Excuse me bhaiyya! LAN wire kaam nahi kar rahi hain". He took out a small book, wrote 5:15 and showed it to me. "Aapke room number ?" . "207 New Girls Hostel".
Lol. That 'him' was the Internet guy of our Hostel, not some guy i had taken a sudden psyco type liking to. I was driven to the end of my wits end, waiting and hoping for the guy to turn up! I actually did my Constitutional Governance Assignment in the Library, and also my Principles of Management Presentation. Today, finally my LAN's fixed, and I am connected to the net, it feels great to have something to take my mind off things in this horrid week of tests, assignments and all..
There's nothing else to complain about. Nothing for which I have to act like James Bond(James Bondhni?). Atleast for now.
Lol. That 'him' was the Internet guy of our Hostel, not some guy i had taken a sudden psyco type liking to. I was driven to the end of my wits end, waiting and hoping for the guy to turn up! I actually did my Constitutional Governance Assignment in the Library, and also my Principles of Management Presentation. Today, finally my LAN's fixed, and I am connected to the net, it feels great to have something to take my mind off things in this horrid week of tests, assignments and all..
There's nothing else to complain about. Nothing for which I have to act like James Bond(James Bondhni?). Atleast for now.
Friday, 10 April 2009
The heights of lawlessness in a so called Law University.
What did we witness yesterday? just another blatant violation of the article 14. Remember what we were taught in Constitutional Governance, “Equality among Equals”. Damn right. Why is the student not equal to the other person who walked in after him, and was allowed to moot? (No offence to you, other person.) This brings us back to the original question which has been in our minds from a long time, what makes Atul Pandey feel so threatened by us? ‘Three minutes’…it’s hardly anything. Haven’t we seen students walking in about 5 to 10 minutes late, whether they are the first speaker or the last! How many times haven’t we seen teachers waiting for the ‘Counsels’ to appear?
What was the lame and sorry excuse offered? You were the first counsel…oh! Really, what are you, God? How dare you decide what should and what should not be done? It is really ironic that the class is being taught is Contracts, a subject so vital to most of us, by a teacher who does not even major in Law! The lame jokes, the sarcastic remarks in class, or the open threats. It is an openly known fact that he threatened the BA section that he’d cut their marks if they cross him, and he even said nobody would come to know, which is as sad as it may seem, true.
Moving on, has anyone noticed the type of questions he poses in the CREs? “What is the difference between open air and air in a room”? Who does he think he think the Counsel is, Einstein? Today’s incident was just the tip of the iceberg. How many times haven’t we seen him picking on students in class? Ok fine, maybe he knows his stuff, doesn’t he realize he’s teaching a class of humans who have feelings and more importantly a FUTURE?
The result of what happened to him could be disastrous to him. It’s a CRE, which counts for 10% of his total aggregate marks, which is a lot! Think of what can possibly happen to his CG PA, because of this.
Talking about marks, what is the miserly manner in which Pandey marks us? Does he think marks are his money, well thanks a lot; we don’t need any of your money. We need a reasonable teacher, who keeps our interest also in mind, and not kick us out of Court Halls because we are three minutes late.
So here’s a small request-Sign the letter to the student representative. Not because, the whole class is doing it, but because today any of us could have been in the student’s place. And better than that, just for the good friend he is to all of us. I am sure there will be some action taken, till then let’s just hope for the best!
What was the lame and sorry excuse offered? You were the first counsel…oh! Really, what are you, God? How dare you decide what should and what should not be done? It is really ironic that the class is being taught is Contracts, a subject so vital to most of us, by a teacher who does not even major in Law! The lame jokes, the sarcastic remarks in class, or the open threats. It is an openly known fact that he threatened the BA section that he’d cut their marks if they cross him, and he even said nobody would come to know, which is as sad as it may seem, true.
Moving on, has anyone noticed the type of questions he poses in the CREs? “What is the difference between open air and air in a room”? Who does he think he think the Counsel is, Einstein? Today’s incident was just the tip of the iceberg. How many times haven’t we seen him picking on students in class? Ok fine, maybe he knows his stuff, doesn’t he realize he’s teaching a class of humans who have feelings and more importantly a FUTURE?
The result of what happened to him could be disastrous to him. It’s a CRE, which counts for 10% of his total aggregate marks, which is a lot! Think of what can possibly happen to his CG PA, because of this.
Talking about marks, what is the miserly manner in which Pandey marks us? Does he think marks are his money, well thanks a lot; we don’t need any of your money. We need a reasonable teacher, who keeps our interest also in mind, and not kick us out of Court Halls because we are three minutes late.
So here’s a small request-Sign the letter to the student representative. Not because, the whole class is doing it, but because today any of us could have been in the student’s place. And better than that, just for the good friend he is to all of us. I am sure there will be some action taken, till then let’s just hope for the best!
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
"May this please your honor, or Lordship"
I am not supposed to be doing this. I am sitting in the library, writing my blog. Call that vehlapan or what? I am back, just as promised when it is humanly possible. Trust me, that last three days, were pretty hectic, two tests and a moot. Now many of my darling readers ( I have over the last few days, figured out, there are actually people who read my random rantings) are non law school students, so the first natural question that might have popped up in your heads should have been, what is a moot?
Now, a moot as defined by god-knows-who is "Moot court is an extracurricular activity at many law schools in which participants take part in simulated court proceedings, usually to include drafting briefs and participating in oral argument. The term derives from Anglo Saxon times, when a moot (gmot or emot) was a gathering of prominent men in a locality to discuss matters of local importance".
A moot as defined by me, after almost two semesters in a Law school is, "Time for us to trade our jeans with the uncomfortable formals, trying to look all important, holding a memo made in one night in our hand, and finally getting screwed by the Judge, who in our case is the 'course teacher'". I can see most law students nodding their heads.
It starts out as a week of torture, the moot problem is released, we are supposed to work on it, try to actually make a full written submission of what our arguments are a day before the actual moot. Trust me that never happens, in our law school most students are often seen in the printing section of the library trying to print a memorial 10 to 20 minutes before the start of their moot.
Once the memo is actually in your hands, you proceed to the Court Hall ( nah just a huge classroom in our case). You start speaking, as the counsel for the plaintiffs or the petitioners, defendants or the respondants, with an opening line like, "May this pleas your honor, ", then your are arguments are generally punctuated with "Obliged your Lordship", "Counsel stands enlightened".
So when you are arguing you try to act all important by stating zillions of already decided cases, arguing with the judge, and all other weird things. You will be lucky if the Jugde does not ask you questions like, "If you sit in a room with open windows, arnt you in open air?", well what can you say...just smile and say, "The cousel pleads ignorance".
My favorite moot till now, was a contracts case on advertisement contracts in cricket tournaments, where I represented the Pakistan Cricket Board. I had loads a fun making the memo, and also while arguing the case.
In fact I had a moot today, which went off pretty well. So, despite all the cribbing I cannot deny one important fact, your Lordship, though I may easily be one of the worst mooters in my class, I still am uncontrollably, irrevocably in love with the fine art of mooting!
(and thanks the readers for a patient reading)
Now, a moot as defined by god-knows-who is "Moot court is an extracurricular activity at many law schools in which participants take part in simulated court proceedings, usually to include drafting briefs and participating in oral argument. The term derives from Anglo Saxon times, when a moot (gmot or emot) was a gathering of prominent men in a locality to discuss matters of local importance".
A moot as defined by me, after almost two semesters in a Law school is, "Time for us to trade our jeans with the uncomfortable formals, trying to look all important, holding a memo made in one night in our hand, and finally getting screwed by the Judge, who in our case is the 'course teacher'". I can see most law students nodding their heads.
It starts out as a week of torture, the moot problem is released, we are supposed to work on it, try to actually make a full written submission of what our arguments are a day before the actual moot. Trust me that never happens, in our law school most students are often seen in the printing section of the library trying to print a memorial 10 to 20 minutes before the start of their moot.
Once the memo is actually in your hands, you proceed to the Court Hall ( nah just a huge classroom in our case). You start speaking, as the counsel for the plaintiffs or the petitioners, defendants or the respondants, with an opening line like, "May this pleas your honor, ", then your are arguments are generally punctuated with "Obliged your Lordship", "Counsel stands enlightened".
So when you are arguing you try to act all important by stating zillions of already decided cases, arguing with the judge, and all other weird things. You will be lucky if the Jugde does not ask you questions like, "If you sit in a room with open windows, arnt you in open air?", well what can you say...just smile and say, "The cousel pleads ignorance".
My favorite moot till now, was a contracts case on advertisement contracts in cricket tournaments, where I represented the Pakistan Cricket Board. I had loads a fun making the memo, and also while arguing the case.
In fact I had a moot today, which went off pretty well. So, despite all the cribbing I cannot deny one important fact, your Lordship, though I may easily be one of the worst mooters in my class, I still am uncontrollably, irrevocably in love with the fine art of mooting!
(and thanks the readers for a patient reading)
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Mistakes, self analysis, and moving on with life....

Sometimes in life there comes a time when you have to look at yourself and say, "Hey! What's up? How's it going?". Yeah, these times do not come too often, whenever they do, it's best not to ignore them, they can be the make or break decisions of your life, or rather your life itself. In my case, this revelation was brought upon me by a few very very special people in my life. They made me look at myself and actually say out loud, "Hey! what the hell! what have I done to myself? What's happening to me? Was I always like this?".
This made me think real hard..I thought about a lot of things, things the way they were before, and the way they are now. I was not myself. These days can include the whole of the first semester in College. I know it for sure. When I told my friends back home what I did, or rather when I told my dad what all I did in the space of a few months, he was shocked. He told me he did not believe that I was capable of doing anything of this kind, he was rightly ashamed of me. I let down every principle my family had grounded into me.
I had transformed into a this big huge green monster, this vile creature unworthy of anybody's love or respect. I became what I always thought I should never be. I cannot in anyway justify anything I did. When I actually looked at myself I could not recognize myself. It felt like I was staring at a stranger. An unknown stranger.
I want to change. I am really thankful to all the people for making me look at myself and say, "Hey!". It really helped. Everyone makes mistakes. My mum always said, " Making a mistake, learn from it, and be sure never to repeat it." I am past the making a mistake stage. I am hoping to learn from all the mistakes, all of them I had made last semester, every single one of them. Every mistake has something to teach you, and you can learn a lot from every single small tiny winy mistake you made. After some time I want to be able to look at myself straight, and say,"Hey! I know you......you are me!"
P.S.-This is a really serious blog and I'll be back with some 'bakchodi' as soon as it's humanly possible! :)
Thursday, 2 April 2009
'Saab'isms! and the crazy dances!
Here's a list of a few things we get to hear in a certain class of ours everyday, however they are in saabspeak,so I have also provided the translations in humanspeak so you will not have to undergo the torture imposed on me in the first few weeks of college. Yeah, that was very annoying, considering the complexity of the subject, 'saab' teaches.
"Attanaace"-Well, its saabspeak for attendance.
Before an exam, while distributing the answer sheets,"Take the shit! You got shit? If you dint tell me,I'll give you shit!"- shit is simply sheet
While explaining a sum, "for your convenient"..no explanation needed!
"Solve the sum, both aff".......-Solve both the sums
"This example in portion, this sum in not portion"
When somebody is trying to explain something to his highness in hindi its,"Espik in englissss"
"egjactly"........you better be able to guess that one!
"propose of"-it's the purpose of
"deparching"- Well, it's simply departing
This is what we got to hear at the end of class today, " Khatam hone wala time hai." Maybe he wanted to say ,"time khatam hone wala hain"....
Till now, I have held my breath and saved the best for the last,
"I am the examinasion"
I guess he wants to say, that he's a part of the Examination Committee.All the above quoted lines are 90% of the time accompanied by what is popularly known as the "Saab"dance! Yeah, he swings and shakes every part of his disgusting body, and he gets all excited and carried away, and thinks the class laughs at his sad jokes, when we are actually laughing at his poor attempts at being funny!
"Attanaace"-Well, its saabspeak for attendance.
Before an exam, while distributing the answer sheets,"Take the shit! You got shit? If you dint tell me,I'll give you shit!"- shit is simply sheet
While explaining a sum, "for your convenient"..no explanation needed!
"Solve the sum, both aff".......-Solve both the sums
"This example in portion, this sum in not portion"
When somebody is trying to explain something to his highness in hindi its,"Espik in englissss"
"egjactly"........you better be able to guess that one!
"propose of"-it's the purpose of
"deparching"- Well, it's simply departing
This is what we got to hear at the end of class today, " Khatam hone wala time hai." Maybe he wanted to say ,"time khatam hone wala hain"....
Till now, I have held my breath and saved the best for the last,
"I am the examinasion"
I guess he wants to say, that he's a part of the Examination Committee.All the above quoted lines are 90% of the time accompanied by what is popularly known as the "Saab"dance! Yeah, he swings and shakes every part of his disgusting body, and he gets all excited and carried away, and thinks the class laughs at his sad jokes, when we are actually laughing at his poor attempts at being funny!
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
I,me, myself-2
So, I am back! just as I promised I would be..rotfl! Hmm..I really don't like using sms lingo on the blog but, what the hell? I'll use it just the same! This blog is also filled with some more nauseating self elevation.
What is my favorite chocolate snack: Chocopie..the one I eat in the tuck shop everyday without fail, also making sure I ask him everyday why is it worth Rs.15 in the College when it's worth Rs.10 outside..
What kind of a will will I or rather did already make? : An unprivileged will (sob.sob. well, I should be happy that it's not an underprivileged will.) thanks to a certain 'boy' of my class..unhappy realisation.
How will I die? : Will be murdered by an axe murderer...or rather any of my professors, considering the amount of work they so lovingly bestow upon us!
Will I go to heaven or hell? : Hmm...........for once I am clueless!
That's all folks will go sleep now. Will drown the sorrow of a bad math paper in my sleep.
Will have to wake up and slog for another test...........till then I ' ll keep wondering about the heaven or hell thingy...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................*(that was me thinking, funny or what???????).
What is my favorite chocolate snack: Chocopie..the one I eat in the tuck shop everyday without fail, also making sure I ask him everyday why is it worth Rs.15 in the College when it's worth Rs.10 outside..
What kind of a will will I or rather did already make? : An unprivileged will (sob.sob. well, I should be happy that it's not an underprivileged will.) thanks to a certain 'boy' of my class..unhappy realisation.
How will I die? : Will be murdered by an axe murderer...or rather any of my professors, considering the amount of work they so lovingly bestow upon us!
Will I go to heaven or hell? : Hmm...........for once I am clueless!
That's all folks will go sleep now. Will drown the sorrow of a bad math paper in my sleep.
Will have to wake up and slog for another test...........till then I ' ll keep wondering about the heaven or hell thingy...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................*(that was me thinking, funny or what???????).
Sunday, 29 March 2009
I, me myself
Ok. Now it’s time for some nauseating self elevation.
What I was called when I was born: Nothing. Duh! Aren’t we all?
What my parents named me: Sneha Sindhu. Hmm…I really don’t know about the Sindhu part….
What I named myself: Sneha Lee..Yeah a much better substitute for Sindhu
What my friends named me: G, GSS, Nemo, The G, and the like…
My favorite color: Blue any shade, light, and dark, royal, navy…
The color of my heart: Purple? Thanks Facebook
What shoes I am: Belles..ok that’s kinda nice…and that’s what facebook told me
What animal I am: a dog..facebook again
What legendary animal I am: The Unicorn.. nice!
What famous movie couple I am : Jack and Rose…hmmm, interesting
What city I must live in: Seattle..Yeah right, I dunno man, but for the next five years I am stuck in Jodhpur
What food I am: Chocolate mousse..yum!
What sport I am? : Football..yeah baby, the beautiful game rocks!
What music I am? : That’s easy rock to a certain extent, and classical
What instrument I am?: I am the veena..Thanks Ammamma :)
My favorite song: When you say nothing at all by Ronan Keating
My favorite flavor: Chocolate
My favorite fruit: Apple and Strawberry
Hey, I ‘ll be back with some more nauseating as soon as possible……………until then I shall go find some unfinished business, which as you all might be aware is not hard to find in this place! lmao.
What I was called when I was born: Nothing. Duh! Aren’t we all?
What my parents named me: Sneha Sindhu. Hmm…I really don’t know about the Sindhu part….
What I named myself: Sneha Lee..Yeah a much better substitute for Sindhu
What my friends named me: G, GSS, Nemo, The G, and the like…
My favorite color: Blue any shade, light, and dark, royal, navy…
The color of my heart: Purple? Thanks Facebook
What shoes I am: Belles..ok that’s kinda nice…and that’s what facebook told me
What animal I am: a dog..facebook again
What legendary animal I am: The Unicorn.. nice!
What famous movie couple I am : Jack and Rose…hmmm, interesting
What city I must live in: Seattle..Yeah right, I dunno man, but for the next five years I am stuck in Jodhpur
What food I am: Chocolate mousse..yum!
What sport I am? : Football..yeah baby, the beautiful game rocks!
What music I am? : That’s easy rock to a certain extent, and classical
What instrument I am?: I am the veena..Thanks Ammamma :)
My favorite song: When you say nothing at all by Ronan Keating
My favorite flavor: Chocolate
My favorite fruit: Apple and Strawberry
Hey, I ‘ll be back with some more nauseating as soon as possible……………until then I shall go find some unfinished business, which as you all might be aware is not hard to find in this place! lmao.
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Of a curly haired girl and my days in a desert........
I know. I am back after a long hiatus. I am back on the request of a curly haired girl who lives on the third floor (actually second) of SN Halls of the National Law University. She claims to have chanced upon my blog while she was "googling" my name. Now, you might wonder (this considering there are ppl who actually read my random rantings) .. does a girl who studies in a University like this..actually get time to sit in front of the Computer and google a random person's name???? Well welcome to the reality of Law Schools in India.
There's always work to do, and it's just that no one's ready to do it. Let's take me as an example..a second semester girl. I have a test on Harper Lee's TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD on Monday, a test on Quantitative Techniques on Tuesday, and no prizes for guessing, another godforsaken test on Wednesday!!!!!!!! If I was any place else, or lets just say If i had been home, I would have definitely been studying! No what am I doing here? I am sitting and updating a blog which I have not touched since eternity.
Now, the time has come for the submission of the CLAT forms, yeah the test I had written to come to this place. People call me these days, for obvious reasons, people who i thought had been wiped off the face of this earth call and ask me about the exam ? here's a selection:
How's the College?
to them- It's really good. It's a National University na?
to myself- Ok. What am I saying? Get a grip girl!!!
How's the food?
to them- Oh! the food tasty, you actually get South Indian food, it tastes really delicious. The mess has Veg and Non-veg everyday, and you can buy whatever you want. There's even stuff like Kababs and chicken everyday!
to myself- Who am I kidding? Paneer is served in different colors and is called different things. All the chicken tastes the same!
This one must, should and will the first place,
How's the faculty?
to them- Lovely, very knowledgeable...fully cooperative.
to myself-....................................................................................
Well atleast the parents think it's a good college.
After coming here, there has been a lot of change in my language. It has been influenced a lot of Hindi. My English has surprisingly transformed into NLUish. I say a lot of things like 'vehla', which happens to be by the way, the right word to describe the situation of the curly haired girl. Well actually it's 'vehlaapan'. All that I have typed till now can be classified as 'bakchodi', I am using this word much to the displeasure of the curly haired girl. Oh! I almost forgot another word which can be used to describe anything is "Saastha". The plethora of abuses which have been added onto my already full arsenal is countless!
I came here with a wish to make a change to the world. TO make the world a better place...what was I thinking? Was I hallucinating???????
All hasn't changed, I still inspired the curly haired girl to start her own blog...........................................................................................
There's always work to do, and it's just that no one's ready to do it. Let's take me as an example..a second semester girl. I have a test on Harper Lee's TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD on Monday, a test on Quantitative Techniques on Tuesday, and no prizes for guessing, another godforsaken test on Wednesday!!!!!!!! If I was any place else, or lets just say If i had been home, I would have definitely been studying! No what am I doing here? I am sitting and updating a blog which I have not touched since eternity.
Now, the time has come for the submission of the CLAT forms, yeah the test I had written to come to this place. People call me these days, for obvious reasons, people who i thought had been wiped off the face of this earth call and ask me about the exam ? here's a selection:
How's the College?
to them- It's really good. It's a National University na?
to myself- Ok. What am I saying? Get a grip girl!!!
How's the food?
to them- Oh! the food tasty, you actually get South Indian food, it tastes really delicious. The mess has Veg and Non-veg everyday, and you can buy whatever you want. There's even stuff like Kababs and chicken everyday!
to myself- Who am I kidding? Paneer is served in different colors and is called different things. All the chicken tastes the same!
This one must, should and will the first place,
How's the faculty?
to them- Lovely, very knowledgeable...fully cooperative.
to myself-....................................................................................
Well atleast the parents think it's a good college.
After coming here, there has been a lot of change in my language. It has been influenced a lot of Hindi. My English has surprisingly transformed into NLUish. I say a lot of things like 'vehla', which happens to be by the way, the right word to describe the situation of the curly haired girl. Well actually it's 'vehlaapan'. All that I have typed till now can be classified as 'bakchodi', I am using this word much to the displeasure of the curly haired girl. Oh! I almost forgot another word which can be used to describe anything is "Saastha". The plethora of abuses which have been added onto my already full arsenal is countless!
I came here with a wish to make a change to the world. TO make the world a better place...what was I thinking? Was I hallucinating???????
All hasn't changed, I still inspired the curly haired girl to start her own blog...........................................................................................
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