Tuesday, 14 April 2009

The innumarable uses of the library

Ok. I am sitting in the library, and doing what I am not supposed to do. I am here to find sums and mutilate them to such an extent and show them to 'Saab', so he can publish a book, and throw me some marks, which can help me pass. Yes, pass! I knoe, weird assignment to do, say most sensible people, but for more on 'Saab' refer to my one of previous post . Yeah, so I am veering away from what I intended to write. So what do people do in the library, apart from trying to read books, obviously!
Here’s a collection,
1.Surf the net; you’ll catch most people with bored expressions checking photos of ‘cute hot guys’ on face book.

2.Sleep; check out the journal section,

3.Take photos of pink kurtas and matching pens...tch tch, return of the curly haired girl, and welcome a certain bushy haired girl, who loves taking photos anywhere and everywhere,

4.Read Novels. I saw a girl reading a Jeffrey Archer hidden in a thick Constitutional Law book, talk about wanting to read books! :) :)

5.Read Newspapers…

6.Chat, well this can mean actually talking in whispers or IMing the person sitting next to you. (Courtesy: a certain classmate of mine).

7.Talking on the phone, I figured this was actually possible during the course of my weeklong camp in the library, thanks to a broken LAN wire . Provided, you don’t mind slipping under the desk and speaking in hush hush tones.

8.Play games on their laptops…’Face book mind jolt games Zindabad’, says a certain somebody sitting next to me.

9.Speaking of laptops, did you know that the library is the best possible place to exhibit your new and flashy laptop? It has the right people, you should know the right time to come here and ‘work’, and also the placing of you and of course, the laptop is very important. For best results try out the table, right in front of the door].

10.This one’s gotta top the list; it is the best place to check out “cute, decent’boy’ish type” guys. Well, that is again dependant on the timing.

So, this is what generally happens in the NLU library on a given day at a given time. Now people want to sing in the library, yeah they do, that’s what my neighbor’s been saying from the past half a minute. You do get people who work sincerely; here I must take time to mention a specific library addict and a close friend, who missed the library when she went home in the December break. Talk about things to do in a library, or the sayings that the library is only for nerds!

P.S. - The best thing to do in a library, is of course, update your blog sitting next to girl singing, “Haule Haule”.

Asta La vista, baby!


Divya Sood said...

Ye!!! M famous.... Curly wurly singing haule haule in the library... it rocks especially when u r playing islander alongwith the songs.

Gautam said...

So..I now finally can proclaim to be fully aware of the innumerable uses of the library! Great blogs, very and extremely genuine. Keep writing.