Monday 23 April 2007

YaY! I got through!!!!!!!!!!

People ,its party time at home! I not only passed, but also achieved an 'A' , in all my subjects! Now, the world is coming into place. I am going back to being 'normal'. Law classes are fun! My friends at Prime are becoming better by the day. Sometimes it makes me wonder, will I be able to go on, without them next year???
Well, I guess like most things, I will know it as time passes.
The World Cup, is turning out to be really boring. The Aussie jauggernaut is rolling steadily(not fair! Lee where the hell are you maan?). Not even New Zealand could stop them. Well , finals are next saturday, and we'll see what will happen. Farewell Brian, you have given us lots of entertainment for a very long time!
Alvida man! Kudos! I will surely miss you.
Man! Oh! Man! A suspect in the Woolmer murder case...I wonder who it is.
I wish that Mr.Charismatic(Mark Shields), could tell us faster. He is rumoured to be a very regular goer to the pub in Pegasus. Given his lifestyle, where bindaas seems to be the buzzword...., I wonder what will happen?
Anyway I have to go now, I have to listen to a session on torts.
So bubye!

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