Brr!….this place is as cold as the ice storages in fishing vessels. Happy New Year to you guys, and life in Jodhpur has changed a bit from the last time I was here. Maybe I am just warming up to the place. The journey back was all the same, get off the plane in Delhi, and you realize you have no option but to get on the next train to Jodhpur, and you also know that the train will inevitably be late. It’s just the same every winter. So after spending some time waiting on the freezing Delhi Cant. Platform, Princess Z ( so much for narcissism) and I got on the train, met a few people from college, and the next day I was in college.
It’s only when I went on my usual first day trip, around Jodhpur to buy groceries, with Ms.Curly Wurly, did I realize there are a certain things that have changed around the place. National Handloom the one stop shop for everything you could possibly want, burned down in a freak accident. There was just a gaping nothing in its place. I felt like a New Yorker who returned home long after the WTC was burnt down; yes that was exactly what the curly haired girl said too. It was just one of those things you have to cope with in life, Change.
I also finally got my hands on that awesome plastic grey black striped clutch of Ben’s. I carry it almost everywhere I go, people love it! For me it’s like carrying a piece of mommy everywhere I go. Miss her loads, even after almost 2 and a half years, just can’t believe she’s not there anymore. On the bright side, I at least have the clutch. Yup, it’s called a clutch, TBITRS ( read further for the explanation).
Moving on, I also realized that this time I have a little responsibility on my hands, yeah the one apart from improving my grades, it’s the football team. No, I am not in it, but I own it! Yeah, me along with a few seniors in college actually bid and own a team, It’s actually Futsal, but what the hell. Yeah, the team situation is kinda in bad waters, even before the matches started, but what the hell, as “the boy in the red studs” (TBITRS)” said, “what’s the harm in trying”. And yes, he insisted on calling them Stud, and not sneakers! I was told by a certain STAR player that , ‘studs are underneath the shoes”, these boys and their shoe issues.
So, one cold evening TBITRS, Yo Daddy, and I went to even check out jerseys for Victorious Secret Football Club, yeah that’s what it’s called. Yes please it’s not Victoria’s. It’s actually good sorry great fun. I really like the team we bought, though no one but TBITRS practice everyday, well he said they’ll start practicing from Monday. Cheers to change. Ever since the day I bought the team, Sunshine has taken to calling me “Boss…”. Hate to admit it, but it actually feels nice. I have also become a fan of the Spanish Goalie, Casillas, thanks to TBITRS! And hey, you can see the team logo, in the picuture!
Well, on the class front we have the funniest teacher ever on the face of this earth teaching us. Fondly called Mario, he teaches us “Financial Management”. That reminds me I have to actually work on the assignment he’s given. Well, if you thought ‘examination’ had pronunciation woes, this guy’s even better. He calls Saumya, “SAMBA”! And Sunshine “Surja”, and so on and so forth! His classes are a full 50 minute entertainment show! He walks like he doesn’t care about the world, so non chalant, so care free and OH so COOL! His confidence is unbearable. His knowledge about the markets is as deep as the Mariana Trench. He’s the one teacher in NLU, who will give you attendance for sure, coz Mr. Mario double checks the absentees.He denounces all FM book written till date, says “FM Guys” need market knowledge!
Another teacher to take note of this semester is TBITRS’s favorite teacher. She loves him, and can never get enough of him! And he keeps getting busted in her class. She is weird.
So, here’s to what promises to be an ‘entertaining’ semester on all counts! CHEERS!
Here’s a lil joke to finish off the post
N- You are a gawar!
P-Even you are, since the world is a global village, everyone is a gawar. So, either you are an alien or a GAWAR!
I know, it totally reminds you of those cheap live media jokes you see on the TV screens in the Jodhpur Mcdonalds! Ciao :)
ya...dat z our sweet mario... Nice 2 hear abt d condition of ur team esp after d swine flu !
Miss National Handloom :(
luv dat clutch !
Lol....thanks for the comment!
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