Tuesday, 23 February 2010

A Postcard from Zanzibar

Sunday morning dawned lazily upon me, I had no work, nothing to do, so I realised I should clean up my room. So I decided to start with washing clothes, and in three trips to the washing machine, I had a few clean clothes, I guess enough to get me through three weeks of college. I was thinking about breakfast when somebody knoocked on my door, I open it. It was the matro, she handed me a nice little postcard. It was one of those picture postcards you get when you go to a new place, yes it was. Puzzled, I asked her if she'd come to the right door..She asked me if I was G Sneha Sindhu. Well, all the other deliveries I got till then were parcels of books/clothes/food from home, I would have known they were coming the minute they left Hyderabad.

Well, I took the card from her, and excitedly flipped it over, and yes, it was for me! It was a lovely postcard from Zanzibar sent by my long lost friend, Nikita. I was overjoyed, and I teared. Yes, I did. I was soo overwhelmed, by the little card. The little card came as a beacon of hope reminding me of the fact that there are people who still love me after everything I did. Suddenly, it was like I shedded that nasty amount of guilt I was carrying around from almost this time last year. I felt free, I really did. I felt, for that one full second that in this world anything's possible.

That day I realised, well , simply that somethings in life are way more important than others, and it's very important that you get your priority list right. Things happen to people, and you have to learn to face them and deal with them. It's also very vital that in life you must always play by your own rules, or as it was the Bushy haired girls gtalk tagline a few days ago, Live Life by your Own Terms. Well, the one year I chose not do that, to be someone else, to 'improve' myself, well, I fell into a ditch soo deep it took me a year and a post card from my friend to get myself out of it. Well, another way to look at it is..maybe I had to take the fall to remind me how far I'd gotten from myself.

I was soo happy, I pinned that card to my softboard, it's the place where I pin up little things from days/places I really want to remember. I put the card right on top, because that's where it belongs, atop everything that happened to me in NLU. Finally, after almost a year, I forgave myself. Peace.

P.S. Love you Niki, and also all the people who were there for me in the last one year...you know who you are :D.

1 comment:

Weirdo said...

It was nice ... :D d best 1 of d ones I read so far