Monday, 15 April 2013

The sun did not want to rise. The clouds felt too comfortable and nice. He wanted to sleep longer. He also knew that most of the world also wanted to spend the day in bed, monday morning blues he called them. Blues, he thought to himself, why not reds or blacks or yellows.

He could hear the birds chirping, he wondered how they can possibly be so happy so early in the day. So then he slowly and slowly willed himself out of his feathery light bed. As he rose he saw the sparrows and the blue robins fly out hurriedly to find food to feed their little ones. Look at that squirrel, he thought, scurrying out of his little hole. And theres that little boy whose mother always drags him out of bed at half past seven.

He could hear music play from a house, he saw a bunch of excited little munchkins hurry off to school in clean green uniforms. He saw this little girl jump out of bed screaming, yay! I am finally 10! Then he smiled to himself and thought this is why I must get up everyday, so that the birds can chirp and fly and little girls can turn 10 everyday! And he continued to shine happily.

(There you go, Chinuku, yes baby, I heard you read a bit of my blog the other day. This ones all for you and how much you hate having to wake up. Have a great time turning 11 next week, but for me you ll always be my five year old baby cousin. Love you, always)

Friday, 29 March 2013

One moment. That one moment.

As I write those post I am sitting in a rickety old bus going from Ajmer to Jaipur. My friend is sleeping next to me and I see the desert vegetation outside the window. It's like the world is calling me. I want to go and explore, poke and prod to see what all the world has to offer. I have this innate need or maybe it's a want but I want to travel. I suddenly realised that thanks to my crazy family I have travelled quite a bit. I want to go to new places and learn new things and try out new food. Whether it was looking out for Portuguese food in Diu or relishing Israeli Fatut in Pushkar I realised these things make me feel at home. I felt like I can forget all my problems and just let go. Give my brain that little break which it needs.

I know company matters a lot and in both my trips I had amazing friends who made all that worthwhile. Though at some point in my life I do want to travel alone.

But there comes a moment in Every holiday, every trip, which makes the whole trip worthwhile. It does not matter how many buses you were in or how much money you spent or how much dung you stepped on. That one moment is the one that makes you forget everything and just exist, and just lose yourself. That's the moment that makes the whole trip. In Diu I found peace while floating lying down on my back on the sea water and Pushkar I lost myself looking at the Ajmer skyline from a random spot in the night from the ajmer Pushkar hilly road! Full points to Vered for that Scooty ride suggestion.

I say travel when you can, not all of us are like my grandad who at the age of 75 still takes off with his friends. Geetay is still sleeping and the old bus stopped for breakfast. As if in line with my thoughts my phone starts playing the classic'I want to break free'. I don't know what Jaipur holds for me.

But right now, at this very moment, I feel free.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

SDL Party!

Parties are an integral part of law school life, as much as moots or internships or even attendance problems. When it comes to our law school, most of our crazy drunk parties happen in this little highway side dhaba just walking distance away from the campus called Sweet Dream Land, fondly referred to as SDL.

Parties are a way to let out steam and believe me, us law students, always have a lot of steam to let out. People throw parties for every possible reason from birthdays to jobs to 'oh we have nothing better to do'. Now's the time to also say there's a Party Soc in our college and they specialize in throwing SDL parties. Keep up the good work guys!

These parties bring out different sides of people. You go, get drunk, and spill out your inner most secrets to other random drunk people who may or may not remember the same the next morning. You go and dance like there's no tomorrow to songs that you sometimes wish you don't even know. There is always a 90% chance that you made a fool out of yourself at a party but there is also a higher chance that you won't remember it or no one else also does.

A few hours into the party we always get to see drunk manifestations of people, drunk crying, drunk dancing, drunk talk. People will puke and people will pass out and that's usually when the hosts realise it's time to go back. Getting people to leave, well, that's another story. That's why the short distance between college and SDL is very important. I don't claim to have been completely sane on all of my walks back to college but I can claim to have oodles of fun in every party I went to in that dhaba. Yes, I am going to miss this. Maybe I should throw one just cause I am going to miss partying.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Oh my smartphone, will you marry me?

Are phones becoming smarter or are people becoming dumber? Well, it certainly seems so. Smartphone reliance has been turning us into pseudo robots and in a few more years it might just turn us into real fleshy robots.

As an owner of one I must say that I am completely relying on my phone for everything. I only realised how much I need my phone when my phone was stolen in December. Really. Those two weeks were among the worst in my life.

I used to wake up in the mornings and did not know what to do with my time. There were times when I used to stare blankly into space. I did not have my 8 mega pixel camera to click pictures of anything from the rocking chair in my house to a bottle of coke in a restaurant. It felt like a pain to open my laptop to check my mails or use gtalk. My friends told me I was hallucinating and was displaying withdrawal symptoms. I think I was well on my way into depression.

Then ofcourse a little after Christmas a brand new phone entered my life. It wasnt really love at first sight because I was still missing my old phone but after a week I realised I am glued to this new phone as well. So much so that Ammamma had to give me phone timeouts.

So after the cold Delhi internship and the dull college fornight our little to Diu happenned. I should have seen the signs, the omens, but no my stupid thick head dint let me.

Diu was fun. Diu was awesome.Diu also killed my phone. I slipped and fell into a little water on the beach and water went in and my phone got fried. As a result I had to spend a week without a phone. After the money spending and the minor anxiety attack that followed and the earfuls I got from my loving friends and family, I realised something. I realised that I am in love with my smartphone.

I mean why not? It wakes me up every morning, it reminds me of things I have to do everyday,  I can post pictures, download music, research on projects, talk to friend, oh oh and it has WhatsApp! ! I cant live without it. I can even have an intelligent conversation with my phone. I panic if I dont see my phone for more than a few minutes. Omg! I think I am addicted. Or maybe this is love.

So heres what it is,

Dear phone,
I have loved you like no one else, I want you to be a part of me, so phone, will you marry me?.

This post is dedicated to the one we call "phonewhore". Happy Birthday man!

Monday, 11 March 2013

What goes does truly come around!

They say what goes around comes around. I dont really know who 'they' are but I must say that I agree whole heartedly with them. When something bad happens to you dont kill yourself over it, the same way dont get too complecent when everything seems to be going just right for you. Its at times when you think everythings going great that this thing called life has a habit of bringing you down to right where you belong.

I am almost reaching the end of my time in law school and I must say I think I have seen it all. One thing I have learnt is that when you give advice to someone ask yourself a thousand times if you'd follow that same advice if given to you. As I said before what goes around does come around. Oh and another lesson that I learnt the hard way ,dont judge 'cause who knows given that times the great equilizer you just might find yourself in that same exact situation, maybe a few days, a few weeks, or even a few months later.

I know I haven't blogged as often as I would have liked to, but I promise I will write more often. Life lessons learnt coupled with lots of funny incidents in the last few months will make for some interesting posts soon. Also for this post I'd like to thank a really close friend of mine, you know who you are and thanks for everything.  Yes, you and your advice inspired me to write this.

Soo cya folks! And soon.