Yup! that's my pirate name. So? Why am I telling you all this? Hmm.......Julia-The Well Tanned. Tanned? I thought I was a dusky beauty(lol!)...What am I getting at? Trust me, I really don't know...The recent floods in Hyderabad have washed away my non-existent brains. I guess the lack of intellect in a person does show from time to time..
The other day I took a quiz in some lousy website.
It was called the Harry Potter quiz.
Well, it told me which Harry Potter Character I was...
So, here's the quiz:
1) What's your favorite color?
2) Do you have long hair?
3) Do you like pets?
4) Are you popular among the opposite sex?
I really don't know
5) Do you have a crush on somebody famous?
6) Who are more important to you, boys or books?
7) What would your ideal evening be?
Playing football.
8) In school you were more into..
9) Your favorite pets?
Cats and Dogs.
After all this bull crap, I had to press 'ENTER'
Lo and Behold!
The Result:
Ginerva Weasley!
What a humungous amount of nonsense!
For your face..Ginny aa? Wat's Dusky Beauty? Self Dabba na...look at your face in the mirror go! Nice post btw.........(heights of joblessness........)
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This is a nice, fun blog that you have here. you have an irreverent way of writing that makes one laugh.
Keep writing, bidda.
I wonder how people come up with such interesting personality tests.
I mean, imagine if one comes up with a personality test which tells you "What brand of underwear are you?" with answers that are capable of exposing Victoria's secret to disrobing Rupa.
NIce blog you run Sneha. I'll keep dropping by.
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