Here's an example of what happened very recently, we bought the VSFC jerseys, and decided to take photos in the mess with all the players, it was good fun, and I took some great shots! We come back to the Hostel, and another funny photo session ensued. After that I promptly run downstairs to Shraddha's room to get the USB, and after attaching the USB to my Laptop, I click to open the folder, an MS word which says the following, pops up!
Yes, it took me a full 5 minutes to figure out that all my photos were actually deleted, sucks right? Temme about it! My bad luck with multiple I pods, has resulted in my dad finally buying me a PHILLIPS MP3 player, this thankfully has last the longest till now. True Story.
All the 'GIZMO'TIC people in my class who talk torrents, incriptions, proxies, and other complicated stuff, scare the living daylights out of me! Makes me wonder, was I dead when they taught technology in school? Maybe, 'cause people say knowing shortcuts in MS WORD is common sense? how in the freaking hell can it be common sense? Sorry, I don't think so.

So anything that comes with a computer is a technology! My efforts to format my memo are to my friends as entertaining as probably watching RUSSELL PETERS on TV, yes, how they enjoy spreading the tales of my incapability to remove an underline to everyone the FREAKING see!! True Story, again! That Saturday morning is one I'd kill to forget!
It's like wherever I step electrical things are either dying or bursting into life. It's like when I am around, they have to show their displeasure in extremely dangerous ways! I mean like that time, where the elevator doors almost killed me, yes, they guard actually said, Madam they hardly ever close! Yes, it's me, I am more convinced than ever now!!
But then being the SUPER TECH wiz can also get very annoying to people around you, yeah like LAN clogging, and stuff like, however I choose not to comment on things I dunno about!
Also on the point of blogs, my college, now has its own version of Gossip Girl who has something to say about everything from teachers to students to the MESS WAR! It's all in good fun and makes for a good read and you can read it here. So carrying on the GG spirit its me Sneha signing off,