Tuesday, 25 May 2010

It's rainin' Kasab, Hallelujah!

It’s raining all things Kasab, hallelujah!

What is the latest obsession in India, apart from the perpetual 2Cs? A lanky Pakistani teenager named Ajmal Kasab. I know not what he was called fondly at home, but India (read millions of daily new channels, and newspapers) has decided to call him Kasab.

So the Trial Court decided to hand him a death sentence. As soon as the Judge finished the judgment, well, the whole of India rejoiced. We had news channels carrying out interviews of people, eminent and otherwise. A true jackpot for the channels! Come to think of it, when did we get like this?

Given a Gandhian past are we a country who celebrates when a person gets the death penalty? The channels here have a BIG role to play in the framing of public opinion in our country. I am sorry to say that they have not yet realized what a big responsibility that is. So, that day what do we get that day? We get images of Kasab, accompanied by some trance type music with drums. I guess they thought the music will drive the point home (point- Kasab deserves to die). A legal expert (a lawyer who is out of business), a Politician (anything to be on TV), a socialite (too desperate), and a common man (well, no idea why really, nothing this one says ever makes a difference) are given a chance to voice out their views on the latest development in the 26/11 case. (More like a chance to appear on national TV).

The whole day was spent in showing people bursting crackers, and giving each other sweets, and abusing the “TERRORIST”. Well, on Facebook groups were made to honor Kasab’s punishment, to celebrate India’s vengeance, Sweet victory against the war against terror, and so on and so forth. I was kinda irritated to find that I had gotten an invitation to join these communities. I was flabbergasted at the depravation that has crept into the society. Really? Is this the same India who once upon a time believed in peace? Are we as bad as the terrorists who were pleased to bomb Mumbai? I think we have crossed the uncrossable line which separates us from the terrorists.

Days followed, we had everyone give their opinion on Kasab’s plight. From school children to old people, every single person felt that he deserves to die. I refuse to buy this, come on in a country of more than a billion people; won’t a single soul have a contrary opinion? Where is the ‘so called diversity’ we are so proud of?

As all melodramas in India are documented in the form of a movie, this is no different. There have been rumors of a well known bollywood bigshot wanting to make a movie based on the 26/11 attacks.

Two weeks after the judgment day, I was beginning to think that the ‘Kasab fever’, had finally began to die, then I saw the most ridiculous thing ever!

Some random loser in Hyderabad (ashamed to say that it’s my city) comes up with a game in which you can hang Kasab!! Yes. I was at home, having lunch; thatha was watching a Telugu news channel, when the news reader says, “DO U WANT TO HANG KASAB?” And goes on to explain how now everyone can hang him in this brilliant game. Then we are subjected to visuals of an animated and a cartoonised Kasab, walking around a toon Mumbai killing people. The object of the game: Catch him and Hang him! Whoa, some revenge!

When have we become a society which makes money out of a terrorist attack? Oh congratulations I guess we are the first in History to achieve this one! At least we are the first to do SOMETHING!

Thanks again to the wonderful media teaching people what to do, what to think, and mostly thanks soo much for making us a society who takes pleasure in listening to someone’s death sentence! KUDOS! As for Kasab don’t worry you have successfully been elevated to the status of a Sachin, or an Amitabh. I’d say enjoy it while it lasts.

P.S.- There are girls who think you are CUTE.

P.P.S- Maybe we’ll see fansites forming on the internet...Www/ilovekasab.org