What am I? I am a wreck...I have no control over my freaking life! It's just racing...and ITS RUNNING OUTTA MY CONTROL! Am I not the BOSS of me? If not...who is??????????? Now, that is the question of the hour! I really don't get to do anything these days.........All that I do, is homework, OR Study!
I get up at about five in the morning..well, its actually 4:30. Then I pick up any of the thousand books Iam supposed to be reading...anyway, make an attempt to read..hm......the books are pretty interesting..Obviously,the Indian Penal Code was designed to , keep the readers hooked wasn't it? The Constitution of our great nation sometimes goes over my head! But still...it does not put me to sleep.
So, I slog till its 7am..
Then take an hour to get ready for college, eat Breakfast(grrr... I hate this part!), then run out of the house...( I usually come running back for either my College Diary, or my lunch..or wateva, but the list is long). I walk for 5min , lo! and Behold! I find myself in the VIdyanagar Busstop. As usual, the beggar women tells me that my husband will be a nut! I mean..logically, I barely have enough Financial resources to go to COllege and come back , and ppl are asking me for Charity! Hmmm..........
Five minutes after that, Maya comes panting, to the Bustop! Then we exchange songs via Bluetooth! She is one of my major sources of mobile music!
The our bus turns up! We get in and reach College.
Now, that's another freakplace, run by a freak. Welcome to the great 'Little Flower Junior COllege', headed by Rev.Brother Franky Noronha! Well, I now most sane people are bound to wonder, what sort of a name is Franky? Don't ask me! We usually see him standing beside the gate in his flowing white gown, oh! well watever that 'thing' is called! And is ususally barking his head out at a pair of terrified students/Lecturers/Peons, etc. In our great college,the Lecturers have lost their ability to think and reason out things! For every minor thing..."Go ask Brother!"
So I slowly make my way to my classroom..the place reminds me of a cold dungeon....it's soo dark!
Dungeons and Dragons:Part-1
When the bell rings....in comes our first dragon of the day!
with a look that stings...'Look here', is all she can say..
I wish I had wings....So I can fly to a place far far away.......
Parts2,3,4,5,6&7..follow the same pattern with different Dragons! Sometimes the white bat drops in..to say hi! I remember this once when we were in the room called the 'LIBRARY', he walks in and all the lights and fans go Kaput! I mean this is true...when he left the fans came back on!
sometimes I wish I had wings...so I can fly to a place far far away...
Thus, we have 7 classes, and 7 different cartoons who teach us 7 subjects a day.But, for me I get to leave the hole 45min before the official time..so I can go to Law Class..now, this place seriously rocks!
After Lawclass, I reach home by 8:30pm. then I try to study again, but usually end up falling asleep. This is what happens to me in one single day! PHEW!
I have no weekends, no time to catch up with freinds..no time to watch movies, and no time to do anything! The last movie I watched was 'Chak De India', Sad isn;t it?
Maybe its worth it! I mean to get into a Law School, all this effort is needed! So, I guess movies , and masthi can wait another 7 months!
Now, I can figure out who's my BOSS, It's still me...I have made a choice..and IAm making an effort to reach the place of my dreams, and i guess there'z nothing wrong in that!
This year I have realised dreams do come true..and I will make mine come true...................
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Friday, 26 October 2007
Bickerings of the 70's has beens

Well, the title of this post has definitely been inspired by the show Hugh Grant was supposed to do in the movie,'Music and Lyrics'.However ,I am not talking about the music industry here.I am talking about the more complicated business, yes business, of cricket, that's what it is these days, ain't it? People are just looking for more ways to make millions.
I feel ashamed to be even talking about it. Two of the greatest players, the game has ever seen, are now quarreling like a pair of kindergarten brats! This is abominable! Even sillier is the reason for the quarrel- a small fight in a Melbourne bar, almost 30 years ago! Phew! 30 years!
Here's the story:
One March evening in 1977, shortly after Australia had won the Centenary Test at the nearby MCG, the 21-year-old Ian Botham, then on a winter scholarship at the University of Melbourne, apparently overheard Ian Chappell, 12 years his senior, taking the pee out of the Poms. Not being one to turn so much as half a cheek, the fiercely patriotic Botham may or may not have threatened Chappell with something glassy, then punched him to the floor.
According to one of Botham’s accounts, this sent Chappell “flying over a table into a group of Aussie Rules footballers, whose drinks were scattered to all parts (Needless to say, he replaced those drinks pretty quickly!)” After a parting shot from the former Australia captain, Botham tore after him into the car park and vaulted a bonnet or two, before belatedly realising there might be more productive ways of expending energy.
Chappell’s recollection, on the other hand, is that the “punch” was a “push” and that the brawl had started a few days earlier. By the time he arrived at the “MCG” (the bar), he related in Ashley Mallett’s 2005 biography of his erstwhile Test skipper, Hitting Out, Botham “had obviously had a few beers and he was having a lot to say in a very loud voice.
He made a couple of comments. I can’t remember exactly what they were saying but [he] said something about an Australian player and I said: ‘Yeah, you’re a typical county player. You’re the sort of player who thinks that if an Australian hasn’t been to England and played county cricket he can’t play. You think the only guy who can play in the Australian side is Greg Chappell because he played two years for Somerset.’ And he responded, ‘That’s right.’ Whereupon things “degenerated” and Botham eventually threatened to “cut” Chappell “from ear to ear”. Botham vehemently denies he used a bottle to illustrate his point.
In Dudley Doust’s 1980 biography, Ian Botham – The Great All-Rounder, the Sunday Times sportswriter stated that his subject’s pursuit of Chappell ended when he “lost his prey in the traffic”. Come 1994’s blockbusting Botham – My Autobiography (Don’t Tell Kath), it was a passing police car that foreshortened the chase. Amazing how the memory improves with time...Insane ain't it?
For his part, Chappell insists he was not pursued into the car park but the main road, that the Victoria fast bowler Ian Callen grabbed Botham from behind and suggested the Somerset tyro calm down, and that he, Chappell, then withdrew. Whatever the truth, Chappell appears to have held the firmer grudge.
Now that's sad , because thirty years have passed since the whole brawl thing, and these don't even talk to each other well. Chappell publicly declared that knighting Botham was a mistake which the queen would regret. Is that the sort of example they should be setting? Is that what they teach the next generation of cricketers?
Here's an exerpt from a channel 9 interview, of the two Ians, the bad blood between them was obvious. This was a decade after the whole bar thingy!
Recalled Chappell: “At the end of it, I’ll never forget, Ray [Martin] said to Botham, ‘Oh well, you’ll still have a drink at the end of a day’s play.’
“And Botham said, ‘Yeah, that’s cricket, mate. You sit down and have a beer, or wine.’
“Ray turned to me and said, ‘You’ll be having a drink with him after the commentary is over?’
“I said, ‘No, Ray. I can find plenty of decent people to have a drink with. I won’t be drinking with him.”
Well, that's how bad the story is...Sad, isn'it?
Well, i guess that's it from me now..............
Monday, 22 October 2007
Here is a list of the 5 songs I listen to the most:
1.When you say nothing at all-Ronan Keating
2.Way back into love-Hugh Grant& Haley Bennett
3.I lay my love on you-Westlife
4.I will be right here waiting for you-Richard Marx
5.You're still the one for me-Shania Twain
Haven't you noticed something? They all are about love. Hmmmm......now that makes me wonder...What is love?
Oxford dictionary says:
A feeling of constant regard for and dedication to someone(Phew!)
Brett Lee, whose opinion is highly valued in my blog, feels:
Love is, when you look into a person's eyes and feel like spending the rest your like with that person.(how romantic!)
There are a thousand ways of describing love. Everyone from Shakespeare to Keats to JK Rowling to our own Chetan Bhagat have all described love in their own ways. There have been zillions of poems and plays and stories on love. Oh! my God! how can I forget Bollywood films? Love is the central theme of 99% of the films made in Bollywood, Tollywood,& Kollywood.
But , what really is love?
Is it the root cause of the fall of many kings? the reason for the fighting of bloody battles? or Is it what drives many teenagers to commit suicide?
Open the paper in the morning..What do u see?
Youth commits suicide because of 'failure' in love....
Girl is stabbed for refusing the boy's advances.......
Younger daughter of a prominent filmstar runs away and marries sweetheart.....
I could go on typing like this, but never ever figure out what is love.And the world celebrates Valetines Day. What happens on that day? Shivsena goes around creating havoc, and the greeting card companies have a blast! And millions of people.....spend billions of rupees.
The definition of love is not limited.You can love your parents, your dog..So I guess its a beautiful feeling, in which our world is enveloped.
So, after much deliberation..here's what I think love is....
Love is magic. It is when you trust a person. It is the magical force that keeps the world in place.
Here's a wonderful poem about love ...written by my friend Johny:
Love Is Beautiful
Everyone falls in love sometime or the other
When a person shares everything with another
They develop their friendship slowly into love
They get so close and they feel like the dove
Unable to explain their love in a few words
Completing it with a kiss they look like love birds
Sometimes Love doesn't last long and it breaks
That is when our heart in pain and it aches
This doesn't mean that love is only full of pain
Tears is what it gives and there is no gain
Waiting for your love and winning her back
Is the only way and that is what we lack
Fight back the pain of love and win her again
Show her your love and shower it like rain
After that you will know that love is Wonderful
Here it ends and I know that Love is Beautiful.
It's beauty isnt it? Well love is..........
Cya later
1.When you say nothing at all-Ronan Keating
2.Way back into love-Hugh Grant& Haley Bennett
3.I lay my love on you-Westlife
4.I will be right here waiting for you-Richard Marx
5.You're still the one for me-Shania Twain
Haven't you noticed something? They all are about love. Hmmmm......now that makes me wonder...What is love?
Oxford dictionary says:
A feeling of constant regard for and dedication to someone(Phew!)
Brett Lee, whose opinion is highly valued in my blog, feels:
Love is, when you look into a person's eyes and feel like spending the rest your like with that person.(how romantic!)
There are a thousand ways of describing love. Everyone from Shakespeare to Keats to JK Rowling to our own Chetan Bhagat have all described love in their own ways. There have been zillions of poems and plays and stories on love. Oh! my God! how can I forget Bollywood films? Love is the central theme of 99% of the films made in Bollywood, Tollywood,& Kollywood.
But , what really is love?
Is it the root cause of the fall of many kings? the reason for the fighting of bloody battles? or Is it what drives many teenagers to commit suicide?
Open the paper in the morning..What do u see?
Youth commits suicide because of 'failure' in love....
Girl is stabbed for refusing the boy's advances.......
Younger daughter of a prominent filmstar runs away and marries sweetheart.....
I could go on typing like this, but never ever figure out what is love.And the world celebrates Valetines Day. What happens on that day? Shivsena goes around creating havoc, and the greeting card companies have a blast! And millions of people.....spend billions of rupees.
The definition of love is not limited.You can love your parents, your dog..So I guess its a beautiful feeling, in which our world is enveloped.
So, after much deliberation..here's what I think love is....
Love is magic. It is when you trust a person. It is the magical force that keeps the world in place.
Here's a wonderful poem about love ...written by my friend Johny:
Love Is Beautiful
Everyone falls in love sometime or the other
When a person shares everything with another
They develop their friendship slowly into love
They get so close and they feel like the dove
Unable to explain their love in a few words
Completing it with a kiss they look like love birds
Sometimes Love doesn't last long and it breaks
That is when our heart in pain and it aches
This doesn't mean that love is only full of pain
Tears is what it gives and there is no gain
Waiting for your love and winning her back
Is the only way and that is what we lack
Fight back the pain of love and win her again
Show her your love and shower it like rain
After that you will know that love is Wonderful
Here it ends and I know that Love is Beautiful.
It's beauty isnt it? Well love is..........
Cya later
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Dreams do come true.........................................
When the Australian team landed in India to play the seven onedayers , I was elated. I had told you in an earlier post that there was going to be a onedayer in my town, Hyderabad. At that point of time I was determined to get match tickets. As days passed, a morbid realisation dawned upon me.....my dream of going to the match may just remain a big dream. since the Indian team had been doing so well till then...the tickets were sold out faster than hot cakes.
Now, let me introduce you to Susan. She happens to be my classmate Sarah's sister. More importantly she adores Brett Lee. We were conspiring to get match tickets, but all our devious plans failed miserably.
Finally...two days before the match..I return home from Law class.While I was eating, Suz calls up and tells me that her dad knows someone who works in Taj Krishna...well, that's the hotel where the teams were staying.
I scream in delight! YES! Finally I might just get to see or, maybe even meet Brett.
Next day suz's dad takes us to the hotel....he asks us to wait in the lobby and goes in to meet 'Susan Aunty'.
Ok. We wait....our eager eyes scanning the lobby for any trace of the ‘Aussies’, well… more importantly any of the cricketers. We were tooo excited to even speak to eachother. Then Suz lets out a gasp...I look that side to see Stuart Clark , just two steps infront of us. Well, paradise didn’t last long…precisely at that point of time..a stupid security guard comes up to us and asks us to leave the lobby, cuz ‘the Indian team’s coming’.
Stuey puts his kit there and leaves. We had a tough time explaining to the Guard that Suz’s dad was inside. Well, the gorilla just assumed we were a bunch of autograph hunters who managed to sneak in!Exactly at that time Suz’s dad and that aunty come in. PHEW!
Then that aunty tells another security guard(let’s call him the sweet uncle) to look after us. We had to do what he said. Ok. No problems. Suz’s dad leaves.
Suddenly, sweet uncle looks into the reastaurent, and says’ Hey look that’s Matthew Hayden there, Why don’t you go talk to him?’
And…yes! He was there, in the reastaurent. Sitting majestically. So we walk slowly.
I muster up enough courage to walk upto him and ask him for his autograph, which he politely gives. So then, we chat around, for sometime. Well, he takes some time to pronounce my name.
Then we walk back to the lobby. We show sweet uncle the autograph. He was as delighted as we were. We sat and waited for more of the aussies to turn up.
While we were waiting, this tall, somewhat cute looking Aussie bloke was wandering around the lobby, he was talking loudly . We didn’t care.
This time it was my turn to let out a gasp! Michael Clarke and this Indian guy were walking towards us. Suz and I get up and almost run to Clarke. And do you guys know what he said
How mean! I never thought Clarke was a Snob! Hmph!
We go back to the place where we were supposed to be sitting and sweet uncle was all’ So?’ We tell him what happened and he says: Where else? STUPID Fellow!
We burst out laughing. Ok…we pull ourselves together. Then we see Gilly, Hogg, Bracken all walk into the restaurent…but now.. since the Indian team’s gonna be here any minute the restaurent’s a part of the restricted area. We were not allowed to get up.
We also see BINGA! We wave at him and he smiles back. Wow!!!!!! Then Mitch, Stuey, snob….I mean Clarke…they all go into the restaurent.
We couldn’t quite figure what was happening.And sweet uncle was not around. So Suz pushed me to ask the tall Ausssie bloke. Baah…
Here’s our conversation:
Me: Hey, are the Aussies gonna leave for practice after they have lunch? At what time is that gonna be?
Bloke: Why? U wanna go with them?
Me: I wouldn’t really mind!
( I turn to Suz and say…….f%^&***^~)
Bloke(expression completely changed): Well, what’s happening is, the Aussies will leave when the Indians come.
Me: Thanx.
Bloke: Okey.
Suz and I were still cursing that bloke, when Suz goes-“ STEVE BUCKNOR!!!!!!"
We walk upto him and take his autograph. He says” Enjoy your day”
Then the Indians arrive, ok. Big deal. The Bloke says,” Look your Indians” , I was like : We’ve come to see the Aussies. He looked shocked!
There was a huge security cordon. They just walk off. Zaheer Khan looked like he was looking at us...but then, we figured out he was looking at a skimpily dressed girl standing in front of us! ( I wonder ,where's Esha Shravani?)
After the Indians go to their rooms, the Aussies leave for practice….We shook and hands with them as they left. We were the only two kids in the lobby. And finally it was our turn to meet Brett.
I walk upto him and say," Could you please sign here?" He's all," Sure, Honey".Then I said," Iam a great fan of yours, I love the way you bowl,U sing damn good, and preston is really adorable", all in breath. He took some time to comprehend what said.
He could actually pronounce my name.Well, it was ,’Sneehaa’, but still.
Suz was like ,”She shares her birthday with Liz”, And My OH! MY , How he blushed.He didnt say anything... I could have popped then and there! I was soo psyched out! He was really happy when we told him we could both sing .He seemed to be shocked when I told him I wanted to become a Criminal Lawyer..and also a sports writer.He said,"Never give up on your dreams, and don't take anything in life for granted" We wished him all the best for the next day…,and he ran for his bus, ok not run…but he did walk fast.
We were beaming..as their bus left. We thanked Aunty, and left the hotel…feeling like we had just won a billion dollars!
Next day, Binga took 3 wickets, this best in this tour.
Then even as India lost….I was secretly very happy…………………………………………………………………..
(P.S. That evening,the evening before the big game, when I went to watch them practice …..I accidently figured out that the tall bloke was none other than……well, NEIL MAXWELL, Brett’s agent, PHEW! Me and my big big mouth)
I did my exams really well, that's why my post could not come up faster.
Now, let me introduce you to Susan. She happens to be my classmate Sarah's sister. More importantly she adores Brett Lee. We were conspiring to get match tickets, but all our devious plans failed miserably.
Finally...two days before the match..I return home from Law class.While I was eating, Suz calls up and tells me that her dad knows someone who works in Taj Krishna...well, that's the hotel where the teams were staying.
I scream in delight! YES! Finally I might just get to see or, maybe even meet Brett.
Next day suz's dad takes us to the hotel....he asks us to wait in the lobby and goes in to meet 'Susan Aunty'.
Ok. We wait....our eager eyes scanning the lobby for any trace of the ‘Aussies’, well… more importantly any of the cricketers. We were tooo excited to even speak to eachother. Then Suz lets out a gasp...I look that side to see Stuart Clark , just two steps infront of us. Well, paradise didn’t last long…precisely at that point of time..a stupid security guard comes up to us and asks us to leave the lobby, cuz ‘the Indian team’s coming’.
Stuey puts his kit there and leaves. We had a tough time explaining to the Guard that Suz’s dad was inside. Well, the gorilla just assumed we were a bunch of autograph hunters who managed to sneak in!Exactly at that time Suz’s dad and that aunty come in. PHEW!
Then that aunty tells another security guard(let’s call him the sweet uncle) to look after us. We had to do what he said. Ok. No problems. Suz’s dad leaves.
Suddenly, sweet uncle looks into the reastaurent, and says’ Hey look that’s Matthew Hayden there, Why don’t you go talk to him?’
And…yes! He was there, in the reastaurent. Sitting majestically. So we walk slowly.
I muster up enough courage to walk upto him and ask him for his autograph, which he politely gives. So then, we chat around, for sometime. Well, he takes some time to pronounce my name.
Then we walk back to the lobby. We show sweet uncle the autograph. He was as delighted as we were. We sat and waited for more of the aussies to turn up.
While we were waiting, this tall, somewhat cute looking Aussie bloke was wandering around the lobby, he was talking loudly . We didn’t care.
This time it was my turn to let out a gasp! Michael Clarke and this Indian guy were walking towards us. Suz and I get up and almost run to Clarke. And do you guys know what he said
How mean! I never thought Clarke was a Snob! Hmph!
We go back to the place where we were supposed to be sitting and sweet uncle was all’ So?’ We tell him what happened and he says: Where else? STUPID Fellow!
We burst out laughing. Ok…we pull ourselves together. Then we see Gilly, Hogg, Bracken all walk into the restaurent…but now.. since the Indian team’s gonna be here any minute the restaurent’s a part of the restricted area. We were not allowed to get up.
We also see BINGA! We wave at him and he smiles back. Wow!!!!!! Then Mitch, Stuey, snob….I mean Clarke…they all go into the restaurent.
We couldn’t quite figure what was happening.And sweet uncle was not around. So Suz pushed me to ask the tall Ausssie bloke. Baah…
Here’s our conversation:
Me: Hey, are the Aussies gonna leave for practice after they have lunch? At what time is that gonna be?
Bloke: Why? U wanna go with them?
Me: I wouldn’t really mind!
( I turn to Suz and say…….f%^&***^~)
Bloke(expression completely changed): Well, what’s happening is, the Aussies will leave when the Indians come.
Me: Thanx.
Bloke: Okey.
Suz and I were still cursing that bloke, when Suz goes-“ STEVE BUCKNOR!!!!!!"
We walk upto him and take his autograph. He says” Enjoy your day”
Then the Indians arrive, ok. Big deal. The Bloke says,” Look your Indians” , I was like : We’ve come to see the Aussies. He looked shocked!
There was a huge security cordon. They just walk off. Zaheer Khan looked like he was looking at us...but then, we figured out he was looking at a skimpily dressed girl standing in front of us! ( I wonder ,where's Esha Shravani?)
After the Indians go to their rooms, the Aussies leave for practice….We shook and hands with them as they left. We were the only two kids in the lobby. And finally it was our turn to meet Brett.
I walk upto him and say," Could you please sign here?" He's all," Sure, Honey".Then I said," Iam a great fan of yours, I love the way you bowl,U sing damn good, and preston is really adorable", all in breath. He took some time to comprehend what said.
He could actually pronounce my name.Well, it was ,’Sneehaa’, but still.
Suz was like ,”She shares her birthday with Liz”, And My OH! MY , How he blushed.He didnt say anything... I could have popped then and there! I was soo psyched out! He was really happy when we told him we could both sing .He seemed to be shocked when I told him I wanted to become a Criminal Lawyer..and also a sports writer.He said,"Never give up on your dreams, and don't take anything in life for granted" We wished him all the best for the next day…,and he ran for his bus, ok not run…but he did walk fast.
We were beaming..as their bus left. We thanked Aunty, and left the hotel…feeling like we had just won a billion dollars!
Next day, Binga took 3 wickets, this best in this tour.
Then even as India lost….I was secretly very happy…………………………………………………………………..
(P.S. That evening,the evening before the big game, when I went to watch them practice …..I accidently figured out that the tall bloke was none other than……well, NEIL MAXWELL, Brett’s agent, PHEW! Me and my big big mouth)
I did my exams really well, that's why my post could not come up faster.
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