Its been a while.....several things have happened in the interim.....things both pleasent and things gruesome. College opened with me firmly implanted in the 12th! I was not prepared for anything that happened that day...well, we got shuffled! May be this has come at a proper time! Maybe I needed a break from my 'FRIENDS'...
Well, I guess in a space of two months a lot can happen. I can happily announce that this summer vacation was the worst I ever had! I realised .......well, I was made to...again by a group of my 'friends'....that the world is not as rosy as it seems.People are not what they seem to be when you first meet them!
I kinda realised this...and moved on in life!
Well life is fine( for now!)..its just that right now I have a sprained ankle. Resting at home is nice! Saw Blood Diamond, Eragorn, Covanent, Pirates3( this one at the theater) home, on the compu. Nursing an ankle is one of the most boring things a person can do!
Brett is finally gonna come back in sept, and .........................the best part is he is gonna come to Hyderabad in October!( Well that is if he recovers..., for now let's hope for the best).
Well, I just hope I do well in studies this year!
For all you noe, next year I may write my blogs from inside a Law School!( now again we have to hope for the best!)
I guess that's it for now!